Rebates list

Missouri Rebates and Incentives Summary

MissouriMissouri has plenty of famous landmarks, from the St. Louis Arch to the lush Ozarks. So why not make the state famous for leading the way toward clean energy in the southern United States, as well? While some programs have been set up to help guide Missouri to increased solar power usage, the state still has a ways to go to catch up with some of its neighbors. By 2020, 11 percent of Missouri’s energy needs are to be met by renewable sources, but the legislature has not determined which sources will count toward this goal.

Net metering has recently become available for homeowners with solar panels, and applies to any photovoltaic system 100 kW or less. The energy you generate pays off as credits on the following month’s energy bill, but unfortunately, excess credits are donated to the utility company at the end of the year. Additionally, Missouri offers property tax deductions for homeowners, loans for schools and institutions, and rebate programs for using solar energy equipment through some utilities companies.


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Ameren Missouri (Electric) - Residential Heating and Cooling Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Ameren Missouri offers rebates to its residential electric customers for the installation of new energy-efficient heating and cooling equipment. Rebates are available for single-family residences, multifamily residences with four units or fewer, and row houses (single family residences that share vertical walls only with other single-family residences). This program provides rebates for installations made on or after March 7, 2016; all rebate applications under this program must be made before February 15, 2019. Installations must be performed by a participating contractor. Incentive amounts vary by the efficiency rating of the new equipment and the type of old equipment which the

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Building Energy Code

Much of the information presented in this summary is drawn from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Energy Codes Program and the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP). For more detailed information about building energy codes, visit the DOE and BCAP websites.

Missouri does not have a statewide building or energy code for private residential and commercial buildings, and there currently is no state regulatory agency authorized to promulgate, adopt, or update construction codes on a statewide basis. All state-owned buildings must comply with Missouri Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard for Public Buildings, which is based on

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Citizens Electric Corporation - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Citizens Electric Corporation offers rebates and price reductions to its residential customers for purchasing and installing energy efficient equipment. Eligible equipment and measures include geothermal heat pumps, air-source heat pumps, dual fuel heat pumps, and water heaters and other equipment. New and existing homes are eligible for this offering. All equipment must meet CEC minimum efficiency requirements in order to receive rebate. Other rebates may be available to Citizens Electric customers through Power Moves. For more information, visit the program website or contact the utility directly.



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City of Columbia - Renewable Portfolio Standard

In November 2004, voters in Columbia, Missouri, approved* a proposal to adopt a local renewable portfolio standard (RPS). (The state renewable electricity standard adopted by ballot initiative in November 2008 does not apply to municipal utilities such as Columbia Water & Light.) The city's municipal utility Columbia Water & Light is required to generate or purchase 30% of its electricity from eligible renewable energy resources by the end of 2028. Nearly 7% of all energy sources for 2013 were renewable according to the most recent renewable energy report.

The goal was revised in 2014 to increase the 2017 goal

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City of Kansas City - Green Building Policy for Municipal Buildings

In March 2011, the City Council of Kansas City adopted a policy that the design, construction, and operation of new facilities of any size and renovations in which the facility affected has at least 5,000 square feet of space must conform to the Gold Rating or higher of the most recent version of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System.

Each contract for applicable projects must contain provisions sufficient to require the designer and constructor to comply with the LEED Gold Standard at a minimum and submit documentation to USGBC

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City of Kansas City - Solar/Wind Easements and Geothermal Access

Solar/Wind Easements


All accessory solar and wind energy systems must comply with applicable building and electrical codes. Owners of accessory solar energy systems are responsible for negotiating with other property owners for any desired solar easements to protect access to sunlight. An easements must be recorded in the office of the appropriate county recorder of deeds.


Building-mounted solar and wind energy systems are allowed on principal and accessory structures. Solar and wind energy systems may not extend more than 3 feet above the applicable maximum height limit for the subject building type or more than 5 feet above

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City Utilities of Springfield - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

City Utilities of Springfield Missouri provides incentives for residential customers to increase the efficiency of eligible homes. Rebates are available for programmable thermostats, insulation upgrades, whole home upgrades, and HVAC equipment. The HVAC rebates are available for single- and multi-family residential customers, as well as new home builders. Some rebates may vary based upon the efficiency of the purchased equipment. All equipment must meet minimum efficiency requirements to receive rebate. Visit the program website for specific information on individual rebate amounts and requirements, and to access application forms.

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Co-Mo Electric Cooperative - Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Co-Mo Electric Cooperative provides rebates to its residential and commercial members who install air source, dual fuel, and/or geothermal heat pumps, and certain energy efficient appliances. Heat pumps that receive rebates may be subject to Co-Mo Load Control Programs. The specifications for eligible installations are quite specific; full details are listed in the heat pump rebate application.

The Energy Saving Home Appliance Rebate Program offers rebates on Energy Star window air conditioners, and electric tank water heaters. Additional details can be found in the appliance rebate application located on the program web site.

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Columbia Water & Light - Commercial Energy Efficiency Loans

Columbia Water & Light (CWL) offers fixed, low-interest rate loans with no prepayment penalties to commercial customers making energy efficiency improvements under the commercial energy efficiency loan program. Financing is available to approved C&I rate customers for a variety of energy efficiency improvements, including the initial energy efficiency assessment, air conditioners, heat pumps, lighting, and solar water heaters. All requirements concerning minimum insulation levels, energy efficiency technologies, credit history, deed of trust, and ASHRAE Level II energy assessments must be met.

The process involves several steps. First, the customer should have an ASHRAE Level II energy assessment conducted and complete

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Columbia Water & Light - Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Loan

The Columbia Water & Light (CWL) Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program allows Columbia residents to finance energy efficiency improvements to homes with affordable, low-interest loans with terms up to 10 years. If a CWL customer has a good credit history and owns an eligible home, loans can be used to install insulation, heating and cooling systems, solar water heating and solar space heating systems, and other eligible efficiency technologies.

The program involves several steps. First, a CLW certified contractor conducts a Home Performance with ENERGY STAR assessment, which provides information to the homeowner on cost-effective ways to improve the

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Columbia Water & Light - Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Rebates

Columbia Water and Light, a municipal utility, offers rebates to its residential customers who make certain energy efficient improvements to the home. Under the Home Performance with Energy Star program, prescriptive rebates are available for windows, doors, air conditioners, heat pumps and building insulation while rebates for air duct sealing are based on performance tests.

In order to participate in the program, customers must first complete a Home Performance Assessment via an approved contractor. Only improvements recommended by the assessment report are eligible for rebates. Please see the program web site for additional details and application information, including steps for

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Columbia Water & Light - Solar Energy Loans

Columbia Water & Light (CWL) offers electric residential and commercial customers low-interest loans for photovoltaic (PV) systems and solar water heaters.


The loan applicant should be the property owner* (Deed of Trust required), have a good payment history with the utility, be current with property tax statements, follow the parameters of the PV net metering agreement/rebate or the solar water heater rebate, and meet specific minimum insulation requirements. Residential customers applying for the loan for a solar energy system on a home that was built more than 10 years prior to the date from when the Net Metering Agreement

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Columbia Water & Light - Solar Rebates

Columbia Water & Light (CWL) offers rebates to its commercial and residential customers for the purchase of solar water heaters and solar photovoltaic systems. These rebates are available for solar water heaters that were installed after April 2007, and for solar photovoltaic systems that were installed after June 2007. Following installation of any of these efficiency measures, applicable building or plumbing permits should be secured.

Columbia Water & Light electric customers are eligible for a $400 rebate for the purchase of a new solar water heater. To apply for this rebate, a customer submits a pre-approval application to Columbia

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Empire District Electric - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate

The Empire District Electric Company offers rebates for customers who construct highly efficient homes and purchase efficient central air conditioners. Eligible customers include residential customers, owners of rental properties, and builders of new homes. Rebate levels increase with the efficiency of the system as measured by the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) for the unit. For more information, visit the program website.

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Energy Loan Program

Note: FY2024 - Loan Applications are Currently Closed as of June 30, 2024.

The Missouri Energy Loan Program, administered by the Division of Energy in the Missouri Department of Economic Development (DED), is available for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects for public and governmental buildings and structures. Eligible recipients include public schools (K-12), public/private colleges and universities, city/county governments, public water and wastewater treatment facilities, and public/private non-profit hospitals.

Loan amounts are based on projected energy savings from energy efficiency upgrades, which result in monetary savings that are used to repay the loan. For Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 financing

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Energy Standards for Public Buildings

Note: As of July 2023, Missouri state facilities under construction or renovation, and commercial buildings purchased or leased by state agencies, must comply with the 2015 IECC, pursuant to the Section 8.812 requirement that standards be at least as stringent as the latest version of the IECC.

Energy Conservation Goals

In April 2009 Missouri’s Governor issued Executive Order No. 09-18, requiring all state agencies whose building management falls under the Office of Administration to adopt policies designed to reduce energy consumption by 2% each year for the next 10 years.

Building Construction and Renovation Requirements

Life-Cycle Analysis

Life-cycle cost analysis

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Evergy - Energy Savings Kit

Evergy, formerly Kansas City Power & Light, offers a free home energy assessment to Missouri residential customers. An Evergy professional will conduct an assessment of the residence and install complimentary energy efficiency upgrades for several appliances. These include:

  • Up to 20 LED bulbs to replace incandescent, halogen, or burnt-out CFLS
  • Up to four faucet aerators
  • Up to two efficient-flow shower heads
  • Water heater pipe insulation (installed on hot and cold pipes for up to six feet from water heater tank, when accessible)
  • Up to two smart power strips

You can schedule an appointment here or by calling (855) 907-6930.

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Evergy - Residential Programmable Thermostat Program

Evergy, formerly Kansas City Power & Light, offers a programmable thermostat program available to homeowners or renters. This program offers three forms of enrollment varying with smart thermostat type and ownership. Customers who currently own a smart thermostat will receive a $50 enrollment incentive. If a smart thermostat was not previously owned, customers receive a free or heavily discounted smart thermostat for professional or self-installation. All options receive an annual incentive of $25.

In exchange for the incentive and a discounted smart thermostat, Evergy is entitled to Energy Savings Events within their service area. Events occur on weekdays between June

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Evergy - Residential Rebate Programs

Evergy, formerly Kansas City Power and Light, offers rebates to all residential customers for the purchase of efficient lighting, air conditioners, heat pumps, insulation and at-home EV charging.  For more information on the specific rebates available and how to qualify, visit the program website.

The LED lighting rebates occur through retailers at the point of purchase and do not require any paperwork by the customer.

Some rebates require participation in the Energy Savings Kit program. Residential EV charging station rebates require Time-of-Use program enrollment.

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Evergy Solar Rebate Program

Evergy's Missouri utilities offer a rebate for solar PV installations. For installations that become operational between July 1, 2019, and December 31, 2023, the rebate is set at $0.25/W. The system size eligible for a rebate is capped at 25 kW for residential and 150 kW for commercial customers.

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Independence Power and Light - New Homes Rebate Program

Independence Power and Light offers rebates to builders for constructing new, energy efficient homes which meet ENERGY STAR standards. Builders who meet ENERGY STAR standards and install specified equipment will be eligible for prescriptive rebate amounts ranging from $300 - $800 per new home. In order to achieve ENERGY STAR designation, an independent Home Energy Rating System (HERS) developed by the Residential Energy Services Network is utilized to score a new house. 

To help builders with the costs associated with an independent HERS rating, the New Homes Program with ENERGY STAR would reimburse builders for actual HERS inspection and rating

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Independence Power and Light - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Independence Power and Light (IPL) offers rebates to residential customers of existing and new single or multi family homes for purchasing new, energy efficient appliances. Rebates are available on central air conditioning systems, heat pumps, and heat pump water heaters. Rebates on equipment vary based upon size, capacity, and efficiency of the unit. See rebate forms on program web site for equipment rebate schedules. Visit the program website for more information on specific rebate requirements and amounts and to access application forms.

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Interconnection Guidelines

Missouri enacted legislation in June 2007 requiring all electric utilities—investor-owned utilities, municipal utilities, and electric cooperatives—to offer net metering to customers that generate electricity using wind energy, solar-thermal energy, hydroelectric energy, photovoltaics (PV), fuel cells using hydrogen produced by one of the aforementioned resources, and other sources of energy certified as renewable by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

The Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC) adopted administrative rules for investor-owned utilities that included simplified interconnection standards, and electric cooperatives and municipal utilities adopted their own rules, including an all-in-one document that includes a simple interconnection request, simple procedures, and a

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Intercounty Electric Cooperative - Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Intercounty Electric Cooperative provides rebates to its customers for the purchase of a variety of energy efficient equipment and appliances. Eligible technologies include: geothermal, air source, and dual fuel heat pumps, electric water heaters, and  Energy Star room AC units. Customer must contact Intercounty Electric within 60 days after the equipment is purchased and installed, and must include an original receipt and copy of warranty with applications. Full rebate eligibility information, equipment specifications, and the request form can be found on the program web site. 

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Laclede Gas Company - Loan Programs for Energy Efficiency

The Laclede Gas Company offers two loan programs for customers to improve energy efficiency.

The Insulation Financing Program loans funds to qualifying residential customers who meet standard credit requirements for insulation improvements to homes, up to $2,000 at a 3% annual interest rate. To apply, contact Laclede Gas.

The EnergyWise Dealer Program loans funds up to $10,000 to qualifying residential and commercial customers for the purchase of energy-efficient gas furnaces, gas appliances, and air conditioners. The program has an overall limit of four heating systems per customer. A down payment of 5% is required of participants. Eligible customers should contact

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Liberty Utilities - Residential and Small Business Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Liberty Utilities provides a number of general rebate offerings to customers under the company's Residential Firm Service Rate or the Small Firm General Service Rate. Through this program, rebates are available for eligible equipment purchases such as boilers, furnaces, storage water heaters, tankless water heaters and programmable thermostats. 

Additionally, owner-occupied residential the Energize Liberty Utilities Homes program. This program offers a comprehensive approach to making energy saving upgrades in existing residences. A home energy audit is required prior to gaining eligibility for this program. Up to $5,000 in rebates are available for measures such as natural gas saving equipment and

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Liberty Utilities - Solar PV Rebates

Note: Effective May 16, 2015, Empire began offering this solar rebate to retail customers who installed eligible systems after December 31, 2009, and meet all other program requirements.

Empire District Electric Company (now operating as Liberty Utilities) offers customers rebates for the installing net-metered solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The program is available to all of Empire's retail customers on generally available residential, commercial, and industrial rate schedules. Only systems that become operational after December 31, 2009, are eligible for the rebate.

In order to qualify for the incentive, a customer must have an electric account in good standing with the

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Local Option - Clean Energy Development Boards

In 2010, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which has authority over mortgage underwriters Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, directed these enterprises against purchasing mortgages of homes with a PACE lien due to its senior status above a mortgage. Most residential PACE activities subsided following this directive; however, some residential PACE programs are now operating with loan loss reserve funds, appropriate disclosures, or other protections meant to address FHFA's concerns. Commercial PACE programs were not directly affected by FHFA’s actions, as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not underwrite commercial mortgages. Visit PACENation for more information about PACE financing and
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Missouri Clean Energy District

Note: In 2010, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which has authority over mortgage underwriters Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, directed these enterprises against purchasing mortgages of homes with a PACE lien due to its senior status above a mortgage. Most residential PACE activity subsided following this directive; however, some residential PACE programs are now operating with loan loss reserve funds, appropriate disclosures, or other protections meant to address FHFA's concerns. Commercial PACE programs were not directly affected by FHFA’s actions, as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not underwrite commercial mortgages. Visit PACENation for more information about PACE financing

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Missouri Rural Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Missouri Rural Electric Cooperative (MREC) offers a number of rebates to residential customers for the purchase and installation of energy efficient equipment. Eligible equipment includes room air conditioning units, water heaters, geothermal heat pumps, and air source heat pumps.

Rebates are limited to residential customers receiving electric service from MREC. All equipment requirements must be met in order to receive rebate check. After the installation of eligible products, contact MREC for an inspection. Following an equipment inspection and the proper submission of program applications, a rebate check will be issued to the customer. Participating customers must provide a copy of

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Missouri Solar Easements & Rights Laws

In Missouri, the right to utilize solar energy is a property right, but eminent domain may not be used to obtain such a property right. Easements obtained for the purpose of construction, reconstruction, remodeling, or acquisition of a solar energy system should be created in writing and are subject to the same conveyance and instrument recording requirements as other easements. Solar easements are considered a negative (i.e., restrictive or use prohibitive) easement and cannot be acquired by prescription; they must be negotiated expressly.

In June 2022, Missouri adopted S.B. 820, which prevents deed restrictions, covenants, and other similar binding

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Net Metering

Eligibility and Availability

Missouri enacted legislation in June 2007 requiring all electric utilities—investor-owned utilities, municipal utilities, and electric cooperatives—to offer net metering to customers with systems up to 100 kilowatts (kW) in capacity that generate electricity using wind energy, solar-thermal energy, hydroelectric energy, photovoltaics (PV), fuel cells using hydrogen produced by one of the aforementioned resources, and other sources of energy certified as renewable by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

Systems must be intended primarily to offset part or all of a customer's own electricity requirements, and must be located on premises owned, operated, leased or otherwise controlled by

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Ozark Border Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Ozark Border Electric Cooperative has made rebates available to residential members for the installation of energy efficient geothermal and air source heat pumps, electric water heaters, and room air conditioners. In order to receive rebates, all equipment must meet the specified energy efficiency program standards. 

In order to apply for the rebates, customers must contact one of the Ozark Border Electric local offices and provide them with a copy of the invoice that includes details of the equipment brand, size, and efficiency.  Visit the cooperatives web site for additional program guidelines and equipment information.

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Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative - Residential and Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebates

Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative offers a variety of rebates to residential and commercial customers who wish to upgrade to energy efficient equipment. Newly installed ground source heat pumps are eligible for a $750 per ton rebate. This rebate amount also covers the replacement of existing propane, natural gas, air source or electric resistance heating units. Dual fuel and replacement geothermal heat pumps may receive a rebate of $150 per ton. Units greater than 10 tons must be pre-approved before installation to participate in the rebate program. The co-op also provides $50 rebates for Energy Star room air conditioners. Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative

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Renewable Energy Standard

In November 2008, voters in Missouri approved by a ballot initiative (i.e., via an initiated state statute) the Missouri Clean Energy Act, also known as Proposition C, which repealed the state’s existing voluntary renewable energy and energy efficiency objective and replaced it with a mandatory renewable portfolio standard (RPS). The RPS requires investor-owned utilities to use eligible renewable energy technologies to meet of 15% of annual retail sales by 2021.

Eligible Technologies

Eligible renewable energy technologies include electricity produced using photovoltaics (PV); solar thermal; wind; small hydropower (10 megawatts (MW) or less); biogas from agricultural operations, landfills, and wastewater

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Set the PACE St. Louis

Set the PACE St. Louis provides 100% upfront, fixed rate, long-term financing to property owners for qualified energy upgrades, including energy efficiency, water efficiency, and renewable energy systems. Property owners repay PACE financing over a period up to 20 years through additional payments on their property tax bills. Financing is structured so that energy savings must more than offset the additional property tax assessment.

Commercial property owners, community associations (e.g., Home Owners Associations), and some residential property owners are eligible for Set the PACE St. Louis. Currently, only residential property owners who own their home without an existing mortgage can qualify

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Show Me PACE

Note:  In 2010, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which has authority over mortgage underwriters Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, directed these enterprises against purchasing mortgages of homes with a PACE lien due to its senior status above a mortgage. Most residential PACE activity subsided following this directive; however, some residential PACE programs are now operating with loan loss reserve funds, appropriate disclosures, or other protections meant to address FHFA's concerns. Commercial PACE programs were not directly affected by FHFA’s actions, as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not underwrite commercial mortgages. Visit PACENation for more information about PACE financing

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Spire - Residential Rebates

Spire (formerly Laclede Gas Company and Missouri Gas Energy) offers various rebates to residential customers for investing in energy efficient equipment and appliances. All individually metered residential units in eligible service territory may receive incentives. For more information, visit the program website.
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Spire Energy - Residential High Efficiency Heating Rebate Program

Spire, Inc., formerly Missouri Gas Energy (MGE), offers various rebates to residential customers for investing in energy efficient equipment and appliances. All individually metered residential units in eligible service territory may receive incentives. For more information, visit the program website.
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Tax Deduction for Home Energy Audits and Energy Efficiency Improvements

In July 2008 Missouri enacted legislation allowing homeowners to take an income tax deduction of the cost of home energy audits and associated energy efficiency improvements. The tax deduction is valid for expenses incurred on or after January 1, 2009. Any deduction shall be claimed for the tax year in which the qualified home energy audit was conducted or in which the implementation of the recommended energy efficiency improvements occurred.

The deduction claimed cannot exceed $1,000 per year for individual taxpayers or exceed $2,000 per year for taxpayers filing combined returns. A taxpayer may not take a deduction for work that

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Wabash Valley Power Association (28 Member Cooperatives) - Residential Energy Efficiency Program

Wabash Valley Power Association (WVPA) is a generation and transmission cooperative which provides wholesale electricity to 28 distribution systems in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, and Illinois. View the WVPA membership webpage to view all participating members of the association. WVPA offers a number of rebates to residential customers of these member organizations. Rebates are available for heat pump water heaters, geothermal and air-source heat pumps, and HVAC equipment.

A signed application and installation invoice must be received by Wabash Valley Power within 60 days of the installation completion date. View the program website listed above for more program or equipment

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White River Valley Electric Cooperative - Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

The White River Electric Coop's Rebate Program offers both residential and commercial rebates. Items available in the program include:

  • Electric water heaters (residential only)
  • Heat Pump Water Heaters
  • Window air conditioning units (residential only)
  • Geothermal heat pumps, dual fuel, and air source heat pumps
  • Smart thermostats
  • Variable frequency drives (commercial, industrial, and agricultural only)
  • Basement/crawl space/slab insulation (residential only)

All transactions that are part of this program are subject to follow-up audits by the White River staff. Visit the program web site for additional information and to access rebate applications.

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