Program Set the PACE St. Louis
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Local
Last Update
State Missouri
Administrator Energy Equity Funding, LLC
Technologies Solar Water Heat, Solar Photovoltaics
Sectors Residential

Set the PACE St. Louis provides 100% upfront, fixed rate, long-term financing to property owners for qualified energy upgrades, including energy efficiency, water efficiency, and renewable energy systems. Property owners repay PACE financing over a period up to 20 years through additional payments on their property tax bills. Financing is structured so that energy savings must more than offset the additional property tax assessment.

Commercial property owners, community associations (e.g., Home Owners Associations), and some residential property owners are eligible for Set the PACE St. Louis. Currently, only residential property owners who own their home without an existing mortgage can qualify for actual property assessed financing due to concerns raised by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). There are, however, alternative financing options available to residential property owners with the Set the PACE St. Louis program, including home equity financing or energy efficiency mortgages (EEMs).


Set the PACE St. Louis is administered by Energy Equity Funding, LLC on behalf of the St. Louis Clean Energy Development Board, with project financing provided by PNC Bank.


Eligible applicants can apply online or fill out a hard copy and will be notified of preliminary approval within 48 hours. The applicant then selects a participating energy auditor or consultant who analyzes the property to generate a project plan with the goal of maximizing energy efficiency. Based on the results of the project plan, the applicant selects the projects they want done and chooses a contractor to complete the project. The applicant then must complete a loan application and a work plan. The cost of the initial energy consultation can be included in the PACE loan to reimburse the property owner. After the lending institution approves the loan, construction on the improvement may begin.


For complete terms, conditions, and eligibility requirements, visit the Set the PACE St. Louis website or contact a program representative for more information. 

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