Program Evergy - Energy Savings Kit
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Utility
Last Update
State Missouri
Administrator Kansas City Power & Light
Sectors Residential

Evergy, formerly Kansas City Power & Light, offers a free home energy assessment to Missouri residential customers. An Evergy professional will conduct an assessment of the residence and install complimentary energy efficiency upgrades for several appliances. These include:

  • Up to 20 LED bulbs to replace incandescent, halogen, or burnt-out CFLS
  • Up to four faucet aerators
  • Up to two efficient-flow shower heads
  • Water heater pipe insulation (installed on hot and cold pipes for up to six feet from water heater tank, when accessible)
  • Up to two smart power strips

You can schedule an appointment here or by calling (855) 907-6930.

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