Program Net Metering
Category Regulatory Policy
Implementing sector State
Last Update
State Missouri
Technologies Solar Thermal Electric, Solar Photovoltaics
Sectors Residential

Eligibility and Availability

Missouri enacted legislation in June 2007 requiring all electric utilities—investor-owned utilities, municipal utilities, and electric cooperatives—to offer net metering to customers with systems up to 100 kilowatts (kW) in capacity that generate electricity using wind energy, solar-thermal energy, hydroelectric energy, photovoltaics (PV), fuel cells using hydrogen produced by one of the aforementioned resources, and other sources of energy certified as renewable by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

Systems must be intended primarily to offset part or all of a customer's own electricity requirements, and must be located on premises owned, operated, leased or otherwise controlled by the customer. The estimated generating capacity of all net-metered systems counts towards the respective utility's fulfillment of its requirements under Missouri’s renewable portfolio standard.

If a customer's existing metering equipment is not capable of measuring the net amount of electricity produced or consumed, or if it is necessary for the utility to install "additional distribution equipment to accommodate the customer-generator's facility," then the customer must pay for these costs.

Net Excess Generation

Customer net excess generation (NEG) during a billing period is credited to the customer's next bill at a rate at least equivalent the utility's avoided cost rate. Credits expire 12 months after issuance without compensation.

Utilities must offer a net-metering tariff or contract that is identical in electrical energy rates, rate structure, and monthly charges to the contract or tariff that the customer would be assigned if the customer were not an eligible customer-generator. The tariff or contract cannot charge the customer-generator any additional standby, capacity, interconnection, or other fee or charge that would not otherwise be charged if the customer were not an eligible customer-generator.


For systems of 10 kW or less, applications must include an all-in-one document that includes a simple interconnection request, simple procedures, and a brief set of terms and condition.

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