Program City of Kansas City - Solar/Wind Easements and Geothermal Access
Category Regulatory Policy
Implementing sector Local
Last Update
State Missouri
Technologies Solar Water Heat, Solar Photovoltaics
Sectors Residential

Solar/Wind Easements


All accessory solar and wind energy systems must comply with applicable building and electrical codes. Owners of accessory solar energy systems are responsible for negotiating with other property owners for any desired solar easements to protect access to sunlight. An easements must be recorded in the office of the appropriate county recorder of deeds.


Building-mounted solar and wind energy systems are allowed on principal and accessory structures. Solar and wind energy systems may not extend more than 3 feet above the applicable maximum height limit for the subject building type or more than 5 feet above the highest point of the roof line, whichever is less.


In R zoning districts, ground-mounted solar and wind energy systems may not be located in the front yard or street side yard. Ground-mounted solar and wind energy systems are subject to applicable accessory structure setback, separation and coverage regulations.

The State of Missouri also has a similar state law pertaining to solar easements.

Geothermal Access

Kansas City municipal code expressly permits geothermal heat exchange systems in all zoning districts. Systems must be located entirely within the lot lines of property or within appropriate easements and may not be located within a stream or stream buffer.

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