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Solar Energy Installers | Solar Power - Clean Energy Authority

New Or Updated Solar Rebates and Incentives

Title North Carolina - Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate (HEAR) Program North Carolina - Home Efficiency Rebate (HER) Program Central Hudson Gas & Electric (Gas) - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program City of San Marcos - Distributed Generation Rebate Program City of San Marcos - Energy Efficient Home Rebate Program
Last Update
Region North Carolina North Carolina New York Texas Texas
Category Financial Incentive Financial Incentive Financial Incentive Financial Incentive Financial Incentive
Tech Solar Photovoltaics

Note: The Federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) created the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate (HEAR) Program. The IRA established the main parameters for this program, but allowed the states

Note: The Federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) created the Home Efficiency Rebates (HER) Program. The IRA established the main parameters for this program, but allowed the states to customize the

The Central Hudson Gas & Electric utility offers customers rebates for energy efficient equipment and measures through their Save Energy & Money programs. This is for residential gas customers who

The City of San Marcos offers a Distributed Generation Rebate Program for the installation of grid-tied renewable energy systems. The Distributed Generation Rebate Program is offered to San Marcos

The City of San Marcos offers an Energy Efficient Home Rebate Program for the installation of central HVAC equipment, duct sealing or replacement measures, attic and wall insulation, EnergyStar