Rebates list

Vermont Rebates and Incentives Summary

State of VermontVermont is a Northeastern state that gets an average of roughly 4 kilowatt hours per-square-meter of sunlight per day. While the state doesn’t have the solar resources of Arizona or California, it is making sound investments to become an energy independent state and is focusing on offering incentives to promote its renewable resources, which include solar and biomass.

The state offers residents numerous measures to help them become energy independent, including grants, state rebates, low-interest rate loans, tax incentives (including a 100 percent sales tax exemption) and net metering programs. These incentives are encouraging Vermonters to install photovoltaics (PVs) and other renewable energy sources on their homes or small businesses. The state also allows municipalities to create Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs to help finance renewable energy installations.

Vermont has a renewable energy goal of 20 percent by 2017. The goal is part of the state’s Sustainably Priced Energy Enterprise Development (SPEED) Program. While SPEED is not technically a renewable portfolio standard, if the Vermont Public Service Board finds that the state’s 19 utilities are not meeting the program’s goals, then a renewable portfolio standard will be enforced by law.

Under the program, “all new load growth from Jan. 1, 2005 through July 1, 2012” is to come from SPEED-qualified renewable resources. It’s well on its way, with more than 188,400 MWH of SPEED-qualified power already in operation, and a total of 419,482 MWH of SPEED-qualified electric generation in active development, according to the program’s site, Together they represent about 10 percent of the state’s electricity use as of Jan. 1, 2005, putting the program well on its way to meeting SPEED’s more ambitious 2017 goal.

Since SPEED’s inception, Vermont has added feed-in tariff provisions and a standard-offer contract, under which small energy generators are financially reimbursed for net excess electric generation, to the program. This is in addition to the state’s net-metering law. Home and building owners with PV and other renewable installations may opt to sign up for the standard-fee contract rather than net metering.

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Agricultural Energy Loan Program

The Agricultural Energy Loan Program (AELP), created through Act 87 in 2013, is administered by the Vermont Agricultural Credit Corporation (VACC). The AELP provides loans to agriculture- or forest-product-based companies for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. 

The maximum loan amount is $5,000,000, and the percentage of the project funded by VACC is negotiable. Loans are provided at variable rates, although fixed rates may be available in some circumstances; current rates can be found here. Loan terms are determined on a case-by-case basis.

Fees associated with AELP loans include a 1% commitment fee ($5,000 maximum); a $30 credit report fee

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Building Energy Standards

Much of the information presented in this summary is drawn from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Energy Codes Program and the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP). For more detailed information about building energy codes, visit the DOE and BCAP websites.

The 2015 Vermont Commercial Building Energy Standards (CBES) took effect on March 1, 2015. The code is based on the 2015 IECC, with amendments to incorporate ASHRAE 90.1-2013. The new guidelines apply to all commercial construction, including alterations, renovations, repairs, and additions.

The 2015 Vermont Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES) apply to all new homes, alterations, renovations, repairs, and

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Burlington Electric Department - Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Burlington Electric Department (BED) offers a variety of rebate incentives to its commercial customers. The Commercial Energy Efficiency Program provides significant rebates for, HVAC systems, system controls, lighting upgrades, and refrigeration. Equipment must be purchased and installed in the program year to qualify for rebates. Instant rebates at the time of purchase are available for heat pump water heaters and high-performance circulator pumps. Pre-approval is required for rebates on more than 100 pieces of equipment, buildings exceeding 10,000 square feet, and/or $5,000 or more in rebate payments. Customers must indicate the date and place of purchase, along with the size, type

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Burlington Electric Department - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Burlington Electric Department offers a variety of rebate incentives that encourage residential consumers to upgrade to energy efficient equipment in the their homes. Rebates are available for a variety of energy efficiency measures, including clothes washers, heat pumps, pool pumps, smart thermostats, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, lighting, and more. All installations and conversions are subject to verification from Burlington Electric Department. Interested consumers can check product eligibility and find specific equipment requirements on the program website.

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Clean Energy Development Fund

Vermont's Clean Energy Development Fund (CEDF) was established in 2005 to promote the development and deployment of cost-effective and environmentally sustainable electric power and thermal resources -- primarily renewable energy and combined heat and power (CHP) technologies.

Funding Sources

From its establishment to 2012, the CEDF was supported via annual payments from Entergy (which owns the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant). In return, under terms of two memoranda of understanding between Entergy and the Vermont Department of Public Service (DPS) that expired in March 2012, Entergy was permitted to store its own spent nuclear fuel at the Vermont Yankee site

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Commercial Energy Loan Program

The Commercial Energy Loan Program (CELP), created by Act 87 in 2013, is administered by the Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA). The CELP provides loans to businesses for larger renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.

The maximum loan amount is $6,000,000 for the variable option and $500,000 for the fixed rate option, and VEDA is generally limited to 60% of the project cost; and in some cases up to 90% of cost financing (up to $500,000). Loans are provided at variable rates, which are adjusted on a quarterly basis; current rates can be found here. Loan terms are determined on a

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Community Renewable Energy Program

Brought into Vermont law through 30 V.S.A. § 8010, Chapter 89 of Title 30, "Renewable Energy Programs", details the regulations surrounding self-generation and net-metering in the state of Vermont. This bill delegates net-metering rulemaking to the Vermont Public Utilities Commission (VPUC), who made effective their net-metering rules via Rule 5.100 on January 1st, 2017. Group net-metering systems and the processes needed to obtain a Vermont Certificate of Public Good (CPG) pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 8010 are discussed.

Group net-metering systems are defined as a net-metering system serving more than one customer, or a customer with multiple electric meters

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Efficiency Vermont

In June 1999, Vermont enacted legislation authorizing the then-Vermont Public Service Board (PSB), now the Public Utility Commission (PUC), to establish a volumetric charge on all electric customers' bills to support energy efficiency programs. As a result, in 2000 the PSB established Efficiency Vermont and a funding mechanism to support it. The funding mechanism, which varies by utility, is based on factors unique to each utility's service territory and is reviewed periodically and adjusted as necessary by the PUC. It should be noted that Burlington Electric Department is not required to fund Efficiency Vermont; it collects its funds and implements

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Expedited Permitting Process for Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Vermont has established an expedited permitting process for solar photovoltaic systems that are 15 kilowatts-AC (kW) or less.  In order to interconnect and net meter, electric customers in Vermont must obtain a Certificate of Public Good from the Vermont Public Service Board (PSB). Solar net-metered systems that are 15 kW or less follow an expedited process for the Certificate of Public Good.  To receive a Certificate of Public Good, the customer must register the system with the PSB.  The customer must inform the PSB about the project and comply with the electric utility's interconnection requirements.  If there are any issues with

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GMP Solar Power

Green Mountain Power, an investor-owned electric utility operating in Vermont, offers a credit to customers with net-metered photovoltaic (PV) systems. In addition to the benefits of net metering, Green Mountain Power customers with a PV system less than 15 kilowatts (kW) receive a credit of $0.053 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity generated by the system. PV installations larger than 15 kW receive a credit of $0.043 per kWh. This credit is available to all customers of Green Mountain Power. The incentive does not have a specified duration or expiration date.

In order to net meter, customers must first apply for

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Green Mountain Power Bring Your Own Device Program

Green Mountain Power, in partnership with Renewable Energy Vermont, allows residential and small commercial customers to enroll in the Bring Your Own Device Program for battery energy storage systems. Customers can enroll an eligible device and receive an upfront payment of $850/kW of storage enrolled for a three-hour discharge and $950/kW for a four-hour discharge. Eligible customers that retrofit their existing solar systems may get an extra $100/kW. Customers can get up to $10,500 towards a home battery purchase.

For eligibility requirements and more program information click here.

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Green Mountain Power Energy Efficiency Rebates

Green Mountain Power customers are eligible for rebates for a variety of energy-efficient technologies and installations, from induction cooktops to heat pumps for income-eligible customers.

For qualifying details please refer to the cited website. You will also find several Efficiency Vermont incentives that you can also find here.

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Home Performance with Energy Star (Existing Residential)

Efficiency Vermont works with homeowners on comprehensive energy efficiency projects and offers several incentives. Single-family homes, as well as multifamily properties with up to five units, are eligible. The first step for individual homeowners is to contact Efficiency Vermont or select a certified Home Performance with Energy Star contractor. A list of certified contractors is available on the Efficiency Vermont website. The contractor will conduct and review the energy audit.

Customers are eligible to receive 75% of project costs back, up to $4,000. Vermont residents whose annual household income falls at or below the levels listed here are eligible for

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Interconnection Standards

Note: Public Utilities Commission Rule 5.500 was effectively amended on March 1, 2024, via Docket No. 19-0856-Rule.

Interconnection rules for all net-metering systems are applied by Rule 5.500. Vermont requires electric utilities to offer net metering to all customers with solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, wind energy systems, fuel cells, or biomass energy systems, among others. The maximum system capacity for net-metered systems is 500 kW. CHP systems that use a non-renewable fuel are limited to 20 kW and must meet an efficiency standard. For schools and school district customers, the capacity limit is 1 MW (also applies to aggregate

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Investment Tax Credit

Vermont offers an investment tax credit for installations of renewable energy equipment on business properties, in order to encourage investment in rehabilitation and qualifying renewable energy projects. Vermont created this credit starting for Tax Year 2002 and provided an additional incentive for solar investments for Tax Year 2008 (via S.B. 209). The project must be eligible for and receive the federal tax credit to receive the state credit. The credit is equal to 24% of the "Vermont-property portion" of the federal business energy tax credit for project leaders

For qualifying renewable energy projects the credit is calculated

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Line Extension Alternatives

The Public Service Board (PSB), now the Public Utilities Commission of Vermont, developed rules regarding utility line extension requests. While the majority of the regulations focus on the procedure followed (and associated fees) for the actual line extensions, the PSB also included a provision that requires electric utilities to provide written information to customers upon request about off-grid electricity generators as an alternative to line extensions. The PSB recognized that in many cases, off-grid electricity generators are less expensive than extending the electricity distribution lines, and therefore customers should be made aware of this option.

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Local Option - Property Assessed Clean Energy

Note: In 2010, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which has authority over mortgage underwriters Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, directed these enterprises against purchasing mortgages of homes with a PACE lien due to its senior status above a mortgage. Most residential PACE activity subsided following this directive; however, some residential PACE programs are now operating with loan loss reserve funds, appropriate disclosures, or other protections meant to address FHFA's concerns. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), a branch of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), has released initial guidelines for using PACE with FHA-secured single or multifamily properties

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Local Option - Property Tax Exemption

Vermont allows municipalities the option of offering an exemption from the municipal real and personal property taxes for certain renewable energy systems (Note: state property taxes would still apply). Eligible systems include but are not limited to "windmills, facilities for the collection of solar energy or the conversion of organic matter to methane, net-metered systems ... and all component parts thereof, but excluding land upon with the facility is located." Adoption of this exemption varies by municipality, but the exemption generally applies to the total value of the qualifying renewable energy system and can be applied to residential, commercial, and

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Mileage Smart Program

The Mileage Smart Program allows Vermont residents to receive up to $2,500 towards the purchase of a used hybrid or electric vehicle. Low-income households may receive up to $5,000. For more information, visit the program website.

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Mileage Smart Program

Note: Vermonters replacing a flood-damaged vehicle as a result of the 2023 flooding event may receive the full $5,000 incentive

The Mileage Smart Program allows residents of the state of Vermont to receive up to $5,000 towards the purchase of a used hybrid or electric vehicle. For more information, visit the program website.

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Net Metering

*Note: The Public Utility Commission updated net metering rates on May 30, 2024, effective on August 1, 2024. In June 2024, the state legislature also instituted changes pursuant to H.B. 289 to the net-metering rules, including for group net-metering and excess generation, with changes to be made effective July 1, 2024.

Vermont's original net metering legislation was enacted in 1998, and the law has been expanded and modified several times. Any electric customer in Vermont may net meter after registering and obtaining a Certificate of Public Good from the Vermont Public Utility Commission (PUC). 

Hydroelectric, ground-mounted PV systems of up

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Renewable Energy Standard

Note: In June 2024, Vermont's state legislature enacted significant changes to its RES via H.B. 289, taking effect July 1, 2024.

In June 2015, H.B. 40 was enacted, establishing a mandatory renewable portfolio standard - called the Renewable Energy Standard (RES) - for the first time in Vermont's history. The state previously had a renewable energy goal, as part of the Sustainably Priced Energy Enterprise Development (SPEED) program. 

Eligible Technologies

Eligible renewable technologies are defined as those that use "a technology that relies on a resource that is being consumed at a harvest rate at or below its natural

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Renewable Energy Systems Sales Tax Exemption

Vermont's sales tax exemption for renewable energy systems, originally enacted as part of the Miscellaneous Tax Reduction Act of 1999 (H.B. 0548), initially applied only to net-metered systems. The exemption now generally applies to systems up to 500 kilowatts (kW) in capacity that generate electricity using eligible "renewable energy" resources (as defined under 30 V.S.A. § 8002), to micro-combined heat and power (CHP) systems up to 20 kW, and to solar water-heating systems. The exemption is available for grid-tied systems and off-grid systems alike. Vermont's sales tax rate is 6%.

"Renewable energy" is defined under 30 V.S.A. §

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Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs

Efficiency Vermont provides financial incentives for homeowners to install energy-efficient equipment in their homes. Eligible Energy Star equipment includes dehumidifiers, clothes washers and dryers, heat pump water heaters, etc. There are also a number of income-eligible bonus rebates offered. The website provides details on eligible makes and models, as well as rebate application forms and specific terms.

Efficiency Vermont also provides discounts for lighting equipment through participating retailers. Efficiency Vermont's website includes a link to a database of participating retailers and information about qualifying lighting. 

Efficiency Vermont also provides incentives to homeowners who are making more significant investments in insulation

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Residential Heating Systems Rebate Program

Efficiency Vermont offers rebates to residential customers installing new, efficient heating equipment. Through this program, Efficiency Vermont offers $250 rebates to homeowners for efficient propane and oil furnaces and boilers, $600 to $800 discounts for cold climate heat pumps purchased from a participating distributor, $15 to $50 discounts for high performance circulator pumps purchased from a participating distributor, and $2,000 rebates for high-efficiency central wood pellet furnaces and boilers.

Rebate application forms, as well as installation and equipment requirement details, can be found here.

These incentives are available to customers of Burlington Electric Department (BED) as well, but rebate

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Residential New Construction Program

For individuals building new homes, Efficiency Vermont offers free technical assistance and targeted rebates to help ensure new homes are built as energy efficient as possible. The first step is to enroll in the Residential New Construction program. Upon enrollment, Efficiency Vermont will review building plans and go over designs to determine estimated energy costs for heating, cooling, hot water, lighting, and appliances. Efficiency Vermont will recommend ways to lower those costs and help the homeowner choose proper energy-efficient equipment, lighting, and appliances.

If you are income eligible, you may enroll in new homes to be Efficiency Vermont Certified

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Small Business Energy Loan Program

The Small Business Energy Loan Program (SBELP), created by Act 87 in 2013, is administered by the Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA). The SBELP provides loans to businesses for smaller renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. 

The maximum loan amount is $500,000, and VEDA will fund up to 60% of the project. However, in certain cases, VEDA may provide loans under $50,000 that cover up to 75% of project costs. Loans are provided at fixed rates; current rates can be found here . Loan terms are determined on a case-by-case basis, but the maximum loan term is generally 10 years with a

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Small-Scale Renewable Energy Incentive Program

Vermont's Small Scale Renewable Energy Incentive Program (SSREIP), initiated in June 2003, currently provides funding for new advanced wood pellet heating installations. The program is available to residential, commercial, institutional, and non-profit entities. Only systems installed by pre-approved installers will be eligible for funding. Funding must be reserved and applications approved before expenditures are made. Fund availability can be found here. Once reservations are granted, applicants have six months to complete their projects and submit the final application. Current incentives are as follows:

Advanced Wood Pellet Heating

  • Flat-Rate Incentive (Residential and small commercial with less than 5,000 sq ft
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Standard Offer Program

*According to the VEPP program, the 2022 RFP was the final solicitation year for the Standard Offer program, until further notice from the Vermont Public Utility Commission.


In May 2009, Vermont enacted legislation requiring all Vermont retail electricity providers to purchase electricity generated by eligible renewable energy facilities through the Sustainably Priced Energy Enterprise Development (SPEED) Program via long-term contracts with fixed standard offer rates. This policy, commonly known as a "feed-in tariff", is intended to provide a reasonable return on investment to renewable energy facility developers, thereby spurring deployment of renewable energy. In June 2015, Vermont enacted legislation

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Stowe Electric - Electric Bicycles

Electric Bicycles

Stowe Electric customers that purchase a qualifying Class 1 e-bike may be eligible to receive a direct rebate of $200. Just complete and submit this form with your proof of purchase to apply for a rebate. E-bikes utilize rechargeable lithium-ion battery packs to power a motor that provides pedal assistance to the rider. E-bikes offer users the opportunity to reduce combustion engine vehicle miles and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Click here and here to learn more about the benefits of e-bikes. Within Vermont there are a variety of organizations dedicated to promoting E-Bikes, for more information on their

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Stowe Electric - Electric Lawnmowers

Stowe Electric customers that purchase a qualifying residential or commercial lawnmower may be eligible to receive a direct rebate of $75.00 for a residential or $1,250.00 for a commercial lawnmower.

2023 Application form
Stowe Electric is also offering rebates of $25.00 for residential and $75.00 for commercial customers purchasing qualified electric products such as trimmers and blowers.

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Stowe Electric - Electric Vehicle Purchase Rebate

Electric Vehicle Rebate

Stowe Electric is partnering up with the state to provide incentives of up to $4,000 to make electric vehicle purchases and leasing more affordable. An additional incentive of $250 is offered for low-to-moderate income customers. Customers eligible for rebates of $600 or more will be required to submit a W-9 form with the rebate application. 

Purchase/Lease Rebates for New Vehicles

  • $750 - New All-Electric (EV)
  • $750 - New Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV)
  • $300 - Additional Incentive for income-qualifying customers

Purchase Rebates for Pre-Owned Vehicles

  • $300 - Pre-owned All-Electric
  • $300 - Pre-owned Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV)

See the 2023 form

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Uniform Capacity Tax and Exemption for Solar

Uniform Capacity Tax

Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems 50 kW or greater have a uniform capacity tax rate of $4.00/kW capacity, while systems less than 50 kW are exempt. Energy storage facilities with a plant energy rating of 600 kWh or greater have a tax rate of $0.50/kWh of plant energy rate, while energy storage facilities with a plant energy rating less than 600 kWh are exempt.

Statewide Education Property Tax

Vermont fully exempts solar PV systems 50 kW or greater from the statewide education property tax.  For systems less than 50 kW, the state grants a full exemption only if

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Vermont Electric Coop - Electric Lawnmower Bill Credit

Residential Electric Lawnmowers

VEC offers a bill credit of $50 for new, corded or cordless residential electric lawnmowers purchased on or after 5/11/19.

Commercial Electric Lawnmowers

VEC offers a bill credit of $1,000 for qualifying commercial electric lawnmowers purchased on or after May 11, 2019 for use by a lawn care business, state agency, or institution with a campus such as a hospital or a university (other end-users will be considered on a case-by-case basis). The models listed below automatically qualify for this incentive (other models will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must receive pre-approval from VEC).

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Vermont Electric Coop - Electric Vehicle Purchase Bill Credit

Vermont Electric Cooperative Electric Vehicle Bill Credit

Both All Electric Vehicles (AEVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) offer opportunities to reduce carbon emissions, and the technology continues to improve with better range and cold-weather performance. Is an electric vehicle right for you? Click here to learn more from Drive Electric Vermont. To get the bill credit, complete and submit this form.

VEC offers the following bill credits for the purchase or lease of new or used AEVs or PHEVs:

  • $500 - All Electric Vehicle Purchase
  • $250 - Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Purchase
  • $100/year - All Electric Vehicle Lease
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Vermont Electric Coop - EV Charging Station Bill Credit

Vermont Electric Coop 

VEC is offering a $250 bill credit for the purchase of a home Level II electric vehicle charger. VEC also offers a $500 bill credit per connection ($500 for a 1-head charger, $1,000 for a 2-head charger) with a $2,000 maximum per member for public charging stations. These incentives are designed to help members purchase and install a Level II charger and avoid charging at times when electricity costs are highest.

Level II Elective Vehicle Charge Stations

Level 2 charging uses 240 volt power to enable faster regeneration of an EV’s battery system. Providing this type of

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Vermont Gas - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program

Partnering with Green Mountain Credit Union, Vermont Gas offers special financing for loan amounts up to $20,000 for 1-5 year terms. Longer term loans are available but annual percentage rate (APR) and other terms may vary. Vermont Gas offers two rates for loans. Loans for weatherization projects come with a 0% interest rate, while weatherization loans that include heat pumps come with a 3.99% interest rate.

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Vermont Gas - Residential Energy Efficiency Program

NEW for 2023: With the rising prices of efficient equipment, we’ve increased our rebate levels and added a bonus incentive for income-eligible households. Please note these rebate amounts are guaranteed for equipment installed by 8/31/2023 and may be subject to change for the remainder of the year.

Vermont Gas offers rebates for residential customers who replace existing heating equipment or water heaters with more energy efficient ones. Rebates vary depending on technology. All equipment must meet program efficiency requirements. Customers can use any natural gas certified contractor. Visit the program website or contact utility for more information.

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Vermont New Electric Vehicle Incentive Program

Note: Those replacing a flood-damaged vehicle by the end of the year may receive an additional $1,000 bonus incentive until February 29, 2024.

The State of Vermont offers a variety of incentives for purchasers of new plug-in electric vehicles and all-electric vehicles. Incentives are available for plug-in electric vehicles that are sold or leased as new with an MSRP of $50,000 or less. Incentives vary by tax filing status. For more information, visit the program website.

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Vermont Public Power Supply Authority - Electric Bicycle and Retrofit Kit Rebate

E-Bike and Retrofit Kit Rebate

VPPSA member customers are eligible for a $100 rebate for an e-bike or retrofit kit. To qualify, the e-bike or retrofit kit must be purchased at a Vermont-based store.

E-bikes are bicycles with battery-powered motors that help assist with pedaling. The motor helps to boost the bike uphill with less effort. A retrofit kit can convert a regular bike to an e-bike by adding in the battery-operated motor.

You'll need the following information for your application:

  • Proof of purchase
  • Photo of the model/serial number
  • Proof of residence if not the utility account holder
  • Completed W-9 form

Download the rebate application form here.

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Vermont Public Power Supply Authority - Electric Golf Cart Rebate

VPPSA Electric Golf Cart Rebate

VPPSA member customers are eligible for a $100 rebate on the purchase of an electric golf cart. To qualify, the golf cart must be charged within the service territory of a VPPSA member utility.

You'll need the following information for your application:  

  • Proof of purchase
  • Photo of the model/serial number
  • Proof of residence if not the utility account holder
  • Completed W-9 form

Download the rebate application form here

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Vermont Public Power Supply Authority - Electric Lawnmower Rebate

Electric Lawnmower Rebate

VPPSA member customers are eligible for a $50 rebate on the purchase of an electric lawn mower for residential use, or a $1,200 rebate on the purchase of an electric ride-on lawn mower or $200 for a push mower for commercial use.

In order to qualify you will need the following:

  • Proof of purchase or lease
  • Vermont vehicle registration
  • Copy of electric bill
  • Proof of residence if not the utility account holder
  • Completed W-9 form if requesting a mailed check

Download the residential mower rebate application form here

Download the commercial mower rebate application form here

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Vermont Public Power Supply Authority - Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate

2021 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Rebate

VPPSA member customers are eligible for a $500 rebate on the purchase of Level 2 Charger. To qualify, the charger must be installed for workplace or public use.

According to Drive Electric Vermont, the number of EVs on the road has increased by 26% in the last year. As of July 2019, there were 3,288 electric vehicles registered in 88% of Vermont communities. With the state of Vermont offering an income-based EV incentive, and several electric utilities offering EV incentives of their own, driving electric is becoming an attractive and affordable option. Installing a

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Vermont Public Power Supply Authority - Electric Vehicle Purchase Rebate

Electric Vehicle Rebate

VPPSA member customers are eligible for the following rebates on new and pre-owned electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids: 

  • $1,000 back for a new all-electric vehicle
  • $500 back for a new plug-in hybrid
  • $500 back for a pre-owned all-electric vehicle
  • $250 back for a pre-owned plug-in hybrid

Income-qualifying customers may receive an additional $400 on a new electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid.

In order to qualify you will need the following:

  • Proof of purchase or lease
  • Vermont vehicle registration
  • Copy of electric bill
  • Proof of residence if not the utility account holder
  • Completed W-9 form if requesting a
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Vermont Replace Your Ride Program

Administered by the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE), Vermont offers a rebate to residential consumers wanting to replace their old internal combustion engine vehicles with a new or used plug-in EV. The incentive is available on a first-come, first-served basis based on funding availability, and certain requirements are waived for flood-damaged vehicles. For more information go to the Replace Your Ride Program section, after clicking here.

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Vermont Solar Rights Laws

Vermont law forbids ordinances, bylaws, deed restrictions, covenants, declarations, or similar binding agreements from prohibiting (or having the effect of prohibiting) the use of solar collectors, clotheslines, or "other energy devices based on renewable resources." 

A homeowner may be subject to certain restrictions regarding the location of the solar collectors on the roof (orientation to the south or within 45 degrees east or west of due south) as long as those restrictions do not impact the effectiveness of the solar collectors. However, municipal bylaws may not, to any extent, regulate the installation, operation, and maintenance of a solar water heating

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