Rebates list

Maryland Rebates and Incentives Summary


Though small, Maryland has emerged as a leader in solar policy. In 2007, it passed the EmPOWERing Maryland Act, which required a reduction in the state’s overall energy use through efficiency and alternative power. State officials expect to meet the Act’s 15% goal by the end of this year. In 2012, the state enacted a goal of 2% solar capacity by 2020. Currently, the state ranks twelfth in the nation in installed solar capacity.

This push towards renewable energy is likely due to the fact that Maryland has some of the most expensive electricity prices in the country. Currently, the majority of its electricity is generated by coal and nuclear energy, and the small state must import approximately 30% of its electricity. Maryland’s solar policy has remained popular, with 2014 seeing a 95% increase in the amount of capital invested in solar energy production.

Solar makes sense as a renewable energy for Maryland because it gets an average of about 5 kilowatt hours per square meter of sunlight per day, which is plenty for installing a photovoltaic (PV) or other solar system. The state has adopted a diverse range of incentives for residential and commercial solar installation, making it likely that it will meet its policy goals.

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Anne Arundel County - High Performance Dwelling Property Tax Credit

The state of Maryland permits local governments (Md Code: Property Tax § 9-242) to offer property tax credits for high performance buildings if they choose to do so. In October 2010 Anne Arundel exercised this option by enacting legislation (County Bill 78-10) providing a property tax credit for high performance dwellings built on or after July 1, 2010 that meet or exceed USGBC LEED Silver standards. The credit was amended in 2012 (County Bill 03-12) to add the National Green Building Standard (NGBS) as an eligible green building certification system for the tax credit. The tax credit is available for

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Anne Arundel County - Solar and Geothermal Equipment Property Tax Credits

Anne Arundel County offers a one-time credit from county property taxes on residential dwellings that use solar and geothermal energy equipment for heating and cooling, and solar energy equipment for water heating and electricity generation. Photovoltaic (PV) systems and geothermal systems were initially not eligible for the tax credit, but PV systems were added by legislation enacted in January 2009 (County Bill 81-08) and geothermal heating and cooling systems were added in April 2010 (County Bill 17-10). Solar energy devices must be installed on or after January 1, 2007 in order to be eligible for the tax credit. Geothermal equipment

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Baltimore County - Property Tax Credit for High Performance Buildings and Homes

The state of Maryland permits local governments (Md Code: Property Tax § 9-242) to offer property tax credits for high performance buildings if they choose to do so. Baltimore County exercised this option in 2006 by creating property tax credits for new and existing multi-family residential (50+ units) and commercial buildings that meet certain high performance building standards. In 2008, the county also adopted a similar provision creating property tax credits for newly constructed high performance homes, and in 2010 added provisions for energy efficiency improvements in existing homes.

The credit is formulated as a percentage (%) reduction in

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Baltimore County - Property Tax Credit for Solar and Geothermal Devices

The total volume of credits awarded through this program has exceeded the annual budget of $250,000. There is a wait list for new applicants seeking credits that extends until at least July 2024.

The state of Maryland permits local governments (Md Code: Property Tax § 9-203) to offer property tax credits for energy conservation devices if they choose to do so. In November 2010 Baltimore County enacted legislation offering property tax credits for solar and geothermal energy conservation devices installed in residential buildings. Eligible solar devices include that those heat or cool a structure, generate electricity for use in a

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Baltimore Gas & Electric Company (Gas) - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

The Baltimore Gas & Electric Company (BGE) offers Natural Gas Connection program to residential customers to switch from electric to natural gas for heat. The program waives connection charge ($2,000 value) and offers rebates for furnaces, HVAC system tune-ups, and insulation measures. All equipment and installation requirements must be met in order to receive rebates. The Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Incentive Program also provides residential incentives for envelope and HVAC measures. Contact BGE for more information on these offerings.

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Baltimore Gas & Electric Company - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

The Baltimore Gas & Electric Company (BGE) offers rebates for residential customers to improve the energy efficiency of eligible homes. Rebates are available for ENERGY STAR clothes washers, dehumidifiers, refrigerators, freezers, CFLs, HVAC systems, and Building Insulation. The Home Performance with ENERGY STAR incentive Program also provides residential incentives including envelope and HVAC systems. The CFL rebates are given in the form of a marked-down price at participating retailers. All equipment must meet program efficiency requirements and all necessary documentation must accompany upgrades.

Through the Home Performance with Energy Star program customers can qualify for rebates averaging $3,000. Learn more

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Be SMART Home Energy Loan Program

Note: The eligible technologies listed above are only examples of some improvements that might be supported under this program. Other improvements may be eligible.

Under the Be SMART Home Energy Loan program, the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development offers loans to homeowners for energy efficiency retrofit projects and installing ENERGY STAR products in their primary residence. The program offers unsecured loans of up to $30,000 at 6.99% interest rate for terms of 10 years. The minimum loan amount is $5,000.

Participants must work with a program-approved weatherization contractor to install energy efficiency improvements and weatherization. In addition

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Bio-Heating Oil Tax Credit (Personal)

Maryland allows individuals and corporations to take an income tax credit of $0.03/gallon for purchases of biodiesel used for space heating or water heating. The maximum credit is $500 per year. It may not be refunded or carried over to subsequent years. In order to qualify for the tax credit, the heating oil must be at least 5% biodiesel sourced from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved feedstocks or be accepted under the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard. As originally enacted, the credit was only available for purchases made during the 2008 - 2012 tax years, but this was extended by

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Building Energy Code

NOTE: Much of the information presented in this summary is drawn from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building Energy Codes Program and the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP). For more detailed information about building energy codes, visit the DOE and BCAP websites.

The Maryland Building Performance Standards (MBPS) are adopted by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Codes Administration. As required by legislation passed in 2009, DHCD must update the MBPS to incorporate the latest applicable IECC codes within 12 months of publication of the new code editions. The latest version of the Maryland Building Performance

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City of Baltimore- BEI Loan Program

The City of Baltimore provides low interest loans to non-profits and for-profit small businesses located in the City of Baltimore. The City has partnered with two non-profit organizations- Healthly Neighborhoods and Reinvestment Fund- to administer the loans. The loans can be used to finance a wide range of energy measures including insulation, windows, HVAC systems, lighting, and distributed generation systems such as solar PV systems and combined heat and power systems.


The building for the energy efficiency project must be located within the New Markets Tax Credit eligible census tract or a Baltimore Main Streets District. The mapping

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Clean Energy Procurement

DGS purchases electricity in de-regulated power markets on behalf of all state agencies. Through an innovative electricity purchasing strategy for larger accounts, DGS hedges for a portion of the future power requirements of state facilities. By locking in rates for a portion of future power needs and purchasing the balance at real-time rates, favorable trends in power prices are exploited to the State's benefit. This strategy is referred to as “Block and Index.” Through these reverse auctions the state avoided costs of $4.7M in fiscal year 2019. The state's renewable portfolio standard requires that at least 30.8% of electricity procured

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Clean Energy Production Tax Credit (Corporate)

NOTE: Senate Bill 936 (Maryland Clean Energy Incentive Act of 2016) extended production tax credit for two years, from December 31, 2015 to December 31, 2018. 

Maryland offers a production tax credit for electricity generated by wind, solar energy, hydropower, hydrokinetic, municipal solid waste and biomass resources. Eligible biomass resources include anaerobic digestion, landfill gas, wastewater-treatment gas, and cellulosic material derived from forest-related resources (excluding old-growth timber and mill residues consisting of sawdust or wood shavings)*, from waste pallets and crates, or from agricultural sources. The list of eligible resources is generally the same as those eligible for the federal

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Clean Energy Production Tax Credit (Personal)

NOTE: Senate Bill 936 (Maryland Clean Energy Incentive Act of 2016) extended production tax credit for two years, from December 31, 2015 to December 31, 2018. 

Maryland offers a production tax credit for electricity generated by wind, solar energy, hydropower, hydrokinetic, municipal solid waste and biomass resources. Eligible biomass resources include anaerobic digestion, landfill gas, wastewater-treatment gas, and non-hazardous segregated waste material derived from forest-related resources (excluding old-growth timber and mill residues consisting of sawdust or wood shavings)*, from waste pallets and crates, or from agricultural sources. The list of eligible resources is generally the same as those eligible for

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Clean Fuels Incentive Program (CFIP)

The Clean Fuels Incentive Program (CFIP) has $1.3 million solicitation in Fiscal Year 2021. It has two areas of interest: Fleet Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Publicly Available Alternative Fuel Infrastructure. For more information or assistance with this program, contact Mike Jones at [email protected] or visit the program website.

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Clean-Burning Wood Stove Grant Program

The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) offers the Clean Burning Wood Stove Grant program as part of its Residential Clean Energy Grant Program. The Clean Burning Wood Stove Grant program offers a flat grant award of $500 for wood burning wood stoves and $700 for pellet burning wood stoves that meet program eligibility requirements.

Basic requirements for grant funding include:

  • All wood and pellet stoves must have an EPA-Published efficiency rating of 75% or higher as of September 15, 2022
  • The property must serve as primary residence
  • A property may not receive more than one grant per technology per fiscal year
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Commercial Clean Energy Rebate Program

The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) offers rebates for mid-sized photovoltaic (PV) systems, solar water heating systems (SWH) and Geothermal Heating & Cooling (GHC) installed by businesses, non-profits, and local governments.  Funding is available on first-come, first-serve basis and is subject to change based on funding availability.

Program Description

The incentive amounts for each technology depends on the capacity of system. 

Commercial Clean Energy Rebates

Resource Conversion Technology

Installed Capacity Range

Award/Capacity Unit

Solar Photovoltaics (PV)

1-8 kW-dc

8-108 kW-dc

108-250.0 kW-dc


250.1 - 375 kW-DC


$1,000 + 150/kW * (capacity - 8kW

$16,000 + $100/kW * (capacity -

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Delmarva - EVsmart

Delmarva Power offers rebates for electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) through the EVsmart program. Delmarva Power offers a $300 rebate to residential customers who install a Level 2 smart charger at their home. The company also offers a 50% discount for the purchase of Level 2 smart chargers and a 100% discount for the installation of Level 2 smart chargers for multifamily customers, up to $15,000. For more information, visit the program website.

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Delmarva Power - Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Incentive Program

Delmarva Power and Light Company offers the Home Performance with Energy Star Program, which provides incentives for residential customers who have audits performed by participating contractors. This is a whole-house approach to meeting the MD executive goal to reduce electricity consumption per person. An energy audit of homes will determine the most effective and appropriate energy-saving measures for customers. In addition to energy savings and comfort, custom incentives for energy-efficient equipment and appliances are available for participating homes based on a discounted energy audit. Up to $7,500 in rebates are available for implementing needed measures. Contractors are also encouraged

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Delmarva Power - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Delmarva Power offers a variety of rebates to residential customers who purchase and install energy efficient products or measures. Appliances must be ENERGY STAR rated and recycled appliances must be in working condition. All HVAC equipment must meet program efficiency requirements to be eligible for rebates. Rebates are available to Delmarva Maryland customers on qualifying purchases at any retail store. Rebate applications must include account number, original sales receipt, and must be received within 60 days of purchase. For an application or more information on this program, see the program website listed above.

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DHCD Net Zero Construction Loan Program

Under the Net Zero residential construction program, the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development offers loans for builders, developers and homeowners to construct of rehabilitate residential buildings to energy efficient standards.

Net Zero homes features may include advanced energy efficient design and technology and renewable energy resources. Proceeds may be used for acquisition of a project, construction and development costs, and closing costs. The program requires applicants to obtain a Home Energy Rating System (HERS) score of 50 or lower.

Financing is available through low interest construction loans to builders, developers or owners, or as loan enhancements for private

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Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Rebate Program

The Maryland Energy Administration is working to expand Maryland's electric vehicle charging infrastructure by providing rebates for acquiring and/or installing qualified EV charging stations. Rebates are issued on a first-come, first-served basis as long as funding is available. 

To apply, fill out the residential or commercial application form. For additional information, visit the program website or contact Mike Jones at 410-598-2090.

H.B. 550, enacted in 2023, extended the end date for this program until the end of fiscal year 2026 and increased the annual program budget to $2.5 million. It also increased the eligible rebate percentages from 40% to 50%

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Energy Conservation in State Buildings

2023 Update:

On May 17th, 2023, Governor Wes Moore signed executive order 01.01.2023.07 doubling Maryland's energy conservation goal for state-owned buildings from a 10% decrease by 2029 to a 20% decrease by 2031. The EO also requires the Maryland Green Building Council to update the High-Performance Green Building Program to ensure that all new buildings and major renovations align with the state's goal to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

These standards apply to new buildings or major renovation projects that are:

  • Funded solely with State funds and are of 7,500-gross square feet or larger or are community college
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Energy Storage Tax Credit

Maryland provides a tax credit to taxpayers who install energy storage systems in their residential or commercial property. The tax credit is 30 percent of the total installed costs of the system, up to $5,000 for residential property and $150,000 for commercial property. Taxpayers must apply to the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) to receive a tax credit certificate, which then qualifies them for the tax credit. MEA will award up to $750,000 in energy storage tax credits each year on a first come, first served basis while funding is available. MEA is reserving $300,000 for residential taxpayers and $450,000 for

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FirstEnergy (Potomac Edison) - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

FirstEnergy (Potomac Edison) offers incentives to Maryland residential customers who are interested in upgrading to more energy efficient appliances and HVAC systems. Rebates are available on refrigerators, LED light bulbs, LED lighting, central A/C, heat pumps, and home energy audits. All efficiency and equipment standards on the Potomac Edison program website and booklet must be met in order to receive rebates. Visit the program website listed above for more information on eligible equipment and program guidelines. Customers are asked to allow six to eight weeks for processing.

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Game Changer Competitive Grant Program

NOTE: Applications for the program for FY2016 ended on October 30, 2015. 

Game Changer Competitive Grant Program is designed to support innovative renewable energy systems and strategies that advance the renewable energy market in the state. The program aims to mitigate costs and risks of developing new technologies and systems. MEA is interested in funding initiatives in its two Areas of Interest (AOI): i) technologies that reduce the cost or increase efficiency of Tier I renewable energy systems,  and ii) commercial, customer sited electric storage systems that are integrated with renewable energy resources.  


The program is open to any

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Geothermal Heat Pump Grant Program

The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) offers rebates of $3,000 for residential geothermal heat pump systems and up to $4,500 for non-residential geothermal heat pump systems. The residential program offers a flat per system incentive ($3,000) for systems with up to 10 tons of refrigeration capacity (1 ton is equivalent to 12,000 BTUs). The non-residential program offers $180 per ton for systems of less than 25 tons and $90 per ton for systems from 25 - 50 tons. It is important to note that these system size/capacity ranges are exclusive, not additive in nature. For example, a 37.5 ton system would

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Harford County - Property Tax Credit for Solar and Geothermal Devices

Harford County offers a tax credit from real property taxes imposed on residential buildings, nonresidential buildings, or other structures that use solar or geothermal devices for heating, cooling, water heating or generating electricity for on-site consumption. The credit amount is equal to one year of total real property taxes or $2,500 per device, whichever is less. In September 2010 the county added a provision limiting total credits to $5,000 per property per fiscal year. Total real property taxes include all real property taxes that would have been paid by the taxpayer for that year for the host building or structure

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Home Energy Loan Program

Note: The eligible technologies listed above are only examples of some improvements that might be supported under this program as detailed on the program web site. Other improvements may be eligible and not all potentially eligible improvements will be appropriate for all participants.

The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) joins the Maryland Clean Energy Center (MCEC) in offering low interest loans for projects which increase the energy efficiency of participating residences through Maryland Home Energy Loan Program (MHELP).

In order to be eligible, the property must be an owner-occupied primary residence located in the State of Maryland. Single-family detached homes and

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Howard County - High Performance and Green Building Property Tax Credit

The state of Maryland permits local governments (Md Code: Property Tax § 9-242) to offer property tax credits for high performance buildings and energy conservation devices (Md Code: Property Tax § 9-203) if they choose to do so. Howard County has exercised this option by offering property tax credits for new and existing multi-family residential and commercial buildings that meet certain high performance building standards, and for the installation of energy conservation devices in LEED-certified structures. The property tax credit for energy conservation devices in green buildings (the Green Building Tax Credit) was initially enacted in 2002, while the High

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Interconnection Standards

In April 2007, Maryland enacted legislation (S.B. 595) requiring the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) to form a small generator interconnection working group to develop interconnection standards and procedures that are "consistent with nationally adopted interconnection standards and procedures," and to revise the state's interconnection standards and procedures on or before November 1, 2007. Final rules were adopted in March 2008 and became effective June 9, 2008.

The new rules apply to interconnections of all types of distributed generation systems of less than 10 MW to the electric distribution system for all types of utilities -- investor-owned utilities

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Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program

The Jane E. Lawton Conservation Loan Program takes the place of the former Community Energy Loan Program (CELP) and the Energy Efficiency and Economic Development Loan Program (EEEDLP). This program provides local governments, nonprofits, and businesses in the State with an opportunity to reduce their operating expenses by identifying and installing cost-effective energy conservation improvements. It allows borrowers to use the cost savings generated by the improvements as the primary source of revenue for repaying the loans. The program operates as a revolving loan fund where loan repayments from prior awards replenish the fund and allow it to support additional

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Local Option - Property Tax Credit for High Performance Buildings

Similar to Maryland's Local Option Property Tax Credit for Renewable Energy, Title 9 of Maryland's property tax code creates an optional property tax credit for high performance buildings. This statute allows counties and municipalities to provide a credit against the property tax for buildings which achieve at least a silver rating according to the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED standards, residential structures that achieve a silver rating under the International Code Council's National Green Building Standard (NGBS), or structures which meet other comparable green building ratings or guidelines approved by the State. The provision specifically adding the NGBS (as

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Local Option - Property Tax Credit for Renewables and Energy Conservation Devices

Title 9 of Maryland’s property tax code provides local governments the option to allow a property tax credit for buildings equipped with a solar, geothermal or qualifying energy conservation device. These devices may be used to heat or cool the structure, to generate electricity to be used in the structure, or to provide hot water for use in the structure. The law was initially enacted in 1985, but at that time applied only to heating and cooling and water heating applications. Electricity production for on-site use was added in 2006.

Under this provision, counties determine the amount of the credit

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Maryland Clean Energy Program (Local Option)

Note: H.B. 517 of 2021 allows "resiliency projects" to qualify for local PACE programs. The term resiliency project includes alternative vehicle charging equipment and energy storage.

Note: In 2010, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which has authority over mortgage underwriters Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, directed these enterprises against purchasing mortgages of homes with a PACE lien due to its senior status above a mortgage. Most residential PACE activities subsided following this directive; however, some residential PACE programs are now operating with loan loss reserve funds, appropriate disclosures, or other protections meant to address FHFA's concerns. Commercial PACE programs

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Maryland Smart Energy Communities Grant

The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) offers financial incentives for local governments to join its Maryland Smart Energy Communities (MSEC) initiative. The goal of the MSCE program is to have local governments adopt and implement policies that promote energy efficiency and renewable energy in their jurisdictions. 


Any incorporated towns, cities, and counties in Maryland can apply to join the MSEC program. Communities that apply for the program and meet the requirements receive funding based on population size and funding availability. 

Program Description

The funding for the program will be divided between new and existing participants to the MSEC program. New

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Maryland Solar Easements & Rights Laws

Maryland has a long-standing law protecting the rights of solar energy system owners. The original law prohibited restrictive land use covenants that imposed unreasonable limitations on the installation of solar collection panels on the roof or exterior walls of improvements and which became effective after July 1, 1980. (The grandfathering date was removed in 2008). This statute and its 2008 amendments do not apply to a restrictive covenant on historic property that is listed by the Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties or by the Maryland Register of Historic Properties.* Maryland also provides for the creation of easement agreements for a

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Mathias Agricultural Energy Efficiency Grant program

NOTE: Applications for grants for FY2017 program are due by December 15, 2016. 

Mathias Agriculture Energy Efficiency program offered by the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) provides grants to farms and businesses in agricultural sector to offset 50% of the cost of energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades. Grant application must be submitted to the MEA by December 15, 2016. The MEA anticipates announcing grant winners in March or April of 2017. 


Program is open to farms and businesses in agricultural sector for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects that have total cost of at least $20,000.  Examples may include, but

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Montgomery County - Green Power Purchasing

In May, 2019 The Montgomery County Commissioners announced a wind energy purchase that will power all of the county’s electrical accounts with emission-free renewable power. In addition to the wind generated electrical purchase, the Commissioners made a commitment to transition to renewable energy for heating all county-owned buildings and powering all county-owned vehicles by 2050.

How homeowners can purchase renewable energy

Since the energy market in Maryland is deregulated, you can choose your electricity supplier and the source of the electricity you want to buy. As a result, you do not need to install special equipment to receive clean energy

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Montgomery County - High Performance Building Property Tax Credit

The state of Maryland permits local governments (Md Code: Property Tax § 9-242) to offer property tax credits for high performance buildings if they choose to do so. Montgomery County has exercised this option by offering property tax credits on new or extensively modified multi-family residential and commercial buildings that meet certain high performance building standards. An "extensive modification" is defined as a structural modification that alters 50% or more of the building's square footage.

The tax credit generally uses the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED rating system as a metric for determining how "green"' a building is

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Montgomery County - Residential Energy Conservation Property Tax Credit

Note: As originally enacted, this program offered property tax credits for the installation of solar and geothermal energy devices in addition to energy conservation devices. In November 2011 the county enacted legislation (County Bill 28-11) terminating the program for solar and geothermal energy devices unless the taxpayer has entered a contract for costs or submitted an application on or before November 8, 2011. The change in law does not affect the sections of the law that allow property tax credits for various other energy conservation devices.

Montgomery County offers property tax credits on residential, owner-occupied structures for the installation

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Montgomery County- Expedited Permitting for Solar PV

The Montgomery County regulation requires the Department of Permitting Services adopt a fast track review process for installation of solar photovoltaic system for single family homes. The department has published permitting guidelines based on 2008 National Electric Code Article 690 which can be accessed here

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Net Metering

Maryland’s net-metering law has been expanded several times since it was originally enacted in 1997. The net metering rules apply to all utilities -- investor-owned utilities (IOUs), electric cooperatives and municipal utilities. Residents, businesses, schools or government entities with systems that generate electricity using solar, wind, biomass, fuel cell, closed-conduit hydroelectric, and micro-CHP resources are eligible for net metering. The law permits outright ownership by the customer-generators as well as third-party ownership structures (e.g., leases and power purchase agreements). The provisions allowing for micro-CHP systems and certain third-party ownership structures were added in 2009. Net metering was extended to fuel

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Parking Lot Solar PV with EV Charger Grant Program

Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) offers grants for installing solar photovoltaic (PV) over parking lots with electric vehicle (EV) chargers.  The system must install a minimum of 75 kW of solar mounted on a canopy structure over the parking lot with a minimum of four qualified Level II or Level III EV chargers. The program offers grant up to $600 per kW of PV installed with a maximum cap of $300,000 per project. Total fund of $1.6 million is available for FY 2021 for the program. 

The project must be located in a parking lot in Maryland which is accessible for

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PEPCO - EVsmart

PEPCO offers rebates for electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) through the EVsmart program. PEPCO offers a $300 rebate to residential customers who install a Level 2 smart charger at their home. The company also offers a 50% discount for the purchase of Level 2 smart chargers and a 100% discount for the installation of Level 2 smart chargers for multifamily customers, up to $15,000. For more information, visit the program website.

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PEPCO - Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Incentive Program

The Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO) offers the Home Performance with Energy Star Program which provides incentives for residential customers who have audits performed by participating contractors. This is a whole-house approach to meeting the MD executive goal to reduce electricity consumption per person. An energy audit of homes will determine the most effective and appropriate energy saving measures for customers. In addition to energy savings and comfort, incentives are provided for implementing recommended measures such as home insulation and energy efficient windows. Maryland Energy Association incentives will pay additional incentives to ENERGY STAR home building contractors. Please see qualified

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PEPCO - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

PEPCO offers a variety of rebates to residential customers who purchase and install energy efficient products or measures. Appliances must be ENERGY STAR rated and recycled appliances must be in working condition. All HVAC equipment must meet program efficiency requirements to be eligible for rebates. Rebates are available to Delmarva Maryland customers on qualifying purchases at any retail store. Rebate applications must include account number, original sales receipt, and must be received within 60 days of purchase. For an application or more information on this program, see the program website listed above.

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Permits and Variances for Solar Panels, Calculation of Impervious Cover

In May 2012, Maryland enacted legislation stating that any calculation of "impervious surface" required by state or local authorities as part of a permit or variance relating to zoning, construction, or stormwater may only include the foundation or base supporting the solar panel. The law generally applies statewide, including charter counties and Baltimore City. It does not however apply in a defined "critical area", including the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area and the Coastal Bays Critical Area. The term "solar panel" is not specifically defined, but presumably would include both solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal panels.

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Potomac Edison - EV Driven Program

Potomac Edison offers rebates for Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers through its EV driven program. Residential customers can get a $300 rebate on Level 2 EV smart chargers. Multifamily customers can get a rebate for 50% of the cost of a Level 2 or DC Fast Charging station, up to $20,000. For more information, visit the program website.

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Prince George's County - Solar and Geothermal Residential Property Tax Credit

In 2008 Prince George's County enacted legislation offering a property tax credit on residential structures equipped with solar and geothermal systems. As originally devised, the credit could only be taken for systems used to heat and cool a structure or provide hot water for a structure. However, in April 2009 the county enacted additional legislation (Council Bill 05-2009) extending the property tax credit to solar-electric (PV) systems, effective May 22, 2009. Prince George's County also later extended property tax credit to include leases and solar power purchase agreements. 

The tax credit for solar or geothermal systems is equal to 50%

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Property Tax Exemption for Solar and Wind Energy Systems

In May 2007, Maryland established a property tax exemption for residential solar energy systems. Under this law solar energy devices “installed to heat or cool a dwelling, generate electricity to be used in the dwelling, or provide hot water for use in the dwelling” were exempt from state -- but not local -- property taxes. However, in April 2008 H.B. 377 was enacted, repealing this exemption beginning July 1, 2008. In place of the rescinded exemption, H.B. 377 inserted another provision exempting solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar hot water systems from real property taxes. The exemption now applies equally to

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Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard

Maryland's Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS), enacted in May 2004 and revised numerous times since, requires electricity suppliers (all utilities and competitive retail suppliers) in the state to procure a minimum portion of their electric retail sales by eligible renewable energy sources. Most recently, the Clean Energy Jobs Act of 2019 increased and extended the requirement from 25% by 2020 to 50% by 2030. 

Eligible technologies:

The renewable portfolio standard is divided into two tiers based on the electricity generation resource. Tier 1 renewables include solar, wind, biomass, anaerobic decomposition, geothermal, ocean, fuel cells powered through renewables, small

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Residential Clean Energy Rebate Program

Maryland's Residential Clean Energy Grant Program, administered by the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA), provides financial incentives to homeowners that install solar water-heating, solar-electric (PV), geothermal heating and cooling systems, and burning stoves. In order to be eligible, the property must be the applicant's primary residence.

The current Clean Energy Grant Program provides incentives as follows:

Resource Conversion Technology

Installed Capacity Range

Flat Award

Solar Photovoltaic (PV)

Minimum 1 kW-DC


Solar Shingles

Minimum 1 kW-DC


Solar Water Heating

10+ sq. ft.


New Geothermal Heating & Cooling (GHC)

1+ tons


Note: As of October 14, 2014, geothermal installations

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Residential/Community Wind Grant Program

The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) provides rebates for the installation of residential and non-residential wind energy systems through the Residential Wind Grant Program and Community Wind Grant Program. The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) defines a community wind project as “a distributed wind energy project that benefits a local community.” Systems of up to 750 kilowatts (kW) are eligible for the program. The incentive level of Residential Wind Grant Program is set at $4,000 per kW of normalized generating capacity at a reference wind speed of 11 meters per second (m/s). For Community Wind Grant Program, grant awards range in size

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Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Equipment

In April 2008, the Maryland enacted legislation exempting geothermal and solar energy equipment from the state sales and use tax. Geothermal equipment is defined as "equipment that uses ground loop technology to heat and cool a structure". Solar energy equipment is defined as "equipment that uses solar energy to heat or cool a structure, generate electricity to be used in a structure, or provide hot water for use in a structure". Solar energy equipment does not include "equipment that is part of a non-solar energy system or that uses any type of recreational facility or equipment as a storage medium"

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Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Residential Solar and Wind Electricity Sales

In May 2011 Maryland enacted legislation providing a sales and use tax exemption for sales of electricity from qualifying solar energy and residential wind energy equipment to residential customers. In order to qualify for the exemption, the sale of electricity must be for residential use on a property owned by a net metering eligible customer-generator. Maryland already exempted energy sales under residential or domestic rate schedules on file with the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) from the sales and use tax. The law therefore places sales/purchases of electricity under residential solar or wind retail power purchase agreements (PPAs) on a

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Sales Tax Holiday for Energy-Efficient Appliances

In November 2007, Maryland enacted legislation creating a sales and use tax "holiday" for certain energy-efficient appliances, beginning in 2011. Under the law, qualifying appliances purchased during a designated period are not subject to the state sales and use tax (6%). The holiday time frame is established as a three-day period running from "the Saturday immediately preceding the third Monday in February through the third Monday in February each year". In 2015, the holiday runs from February 14 to February 16. 

In order to qualify for the exemption, qualifying pieces of equipment must be designated as meeting or exceeding

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SMECO - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative's (SMECO) Residential Energy Efficiency Program helps residential customers save energy and money by providing rebates for energy efficient appliances. Eligible measures include lighting, water heating, central heating and cooling, and recycling of select appliances. Some rebates vary by size and type of measure employed. Equipment must meet program guidelines listed on the website above. Interested customers should review the website for more information, to ensure eligibility, and to access application forms.


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Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs)

Under Maryland law, an SREC represents the generation attributes of 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity generation (or equivalent) from a qualifying solar facility. Electricity suppliers must purchase and retire solar renewable energy credits (SRECs) in order to meet their compliance obligations under the law, or pay a Solar Alternative Compliance Payment (SACP) for any shortfalls in SREC purchases. The SACP operates as a theoretical ceiling on the price that a supplier would pay for SRECs to fulfill obligations under the Maryland RPS.* In Maryland the SACP is set at $400 per MWh for 2009 - 2014, but will decline in

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State Agency Loan Program

The State Agency Loan Program (SALP) was established in 1991 using funds from the Energy Overcharge Restitution Fund. Through this revolving loan program, the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) provides loans to state agencies for cost-effective energy efficiency improvements in state facilities. Typical loan amounts range from $50,000 to $250,000. State agencies pay zero interest with a one percent administration fee. Their repayments are made from the agency's fuel and utility budget, based on the avoided energy costs of the project. Repayments replenish the fund so that it can continue to make additional loans each year. During 2011 alone the MEA reports

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Washington Gas - Residential Rebate Program

Washington Gas, as a part of the Maryland EmPOWER program, offers incentives to its residential customer for making energy efficiency improvements. Rebates are available for qualifying water heaters and furnaces. Washington Gas also offers rebates for tune-ups of boilers, fire places, and furnaces.

In addition to appliance and furnace rebates, Washington Gas offers a Smart Energy Rewards thermostat demand response program. Customers with natural gas heating and qualifying wi-fi enabled thermostats can enroll in the program and receive a $20 gift card, plus an additional $10 gift card on each anniversary of enrollment.

The Company offers an online Home Energy

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Wood Heating Fuel Exemption

This statute exempts from the state sales tax all wood or "refuse-derived" fuel used for heating purposes. The law does not make any distinctions about whether the qualified fuels are used for residential or commercial heating so both purposes should qualify. As of now, the Maryland sales tax rate is 6%.



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