Program Guam - Net Metering
Category Regulatory Policy
Implementing sector State
Last Update
State Guam
Technologies Solar Photovoltaics
Sectors Residential

Eligibility and Availability

In 2004, Guam enacted legislation (Public Law 27-132) requiring the Guam Power Authority (GPA) to allow net metering for customers with fuel cells, microturbines, wind energy, biomass, hydroelectric, solar energy or hybrid systems of these renewable energy technologies. In 2010, Guam amended net metering  (Public Law 30-141) and raised the system capacity limits to 25 kilowatts (kW) for residential systems and 100 kW for non-residential systems. In February 2024, the non-residential cap was expanded to 500 kW by Public Law 37-71. However, non-residential systems in excess of 250 kW must be paired with a battery storage system with at least 1 hour of storage capacity.

Netting Period and Process

Customer-generators may be billed on a monthly basis, or with their written consent, on a quarterly, semi-annual or annual period. 12 GCA § 8505 provides that if a system has produced net excess generation at the end of the billing period the customer-generator is entitled to compensation at a rate to be determined by the Guam Public Utility Commission (PUC). Guam Power Authority's Schedule C for net metering, however, clarifies that excess generation credits will be carried forward monthly, and expire at the end of the calendar year with no compensation to the customer. Public Law 37-71 added a provision providing that non-residential customers with a generator in excess of 100 kW is not entitled to compensation for any excess electricity fed back to the grid. 

GPA must provide customer-generators with a bi-directional energy meter and may, at its own expense, install additional meters. GPA may not charge customer-generators any fees above and beyond those it charges to other customers in the same rate class that do not use a net-metered energy system.

Net-metered systems must meet all applicable safety and power quality standards established by the National Electric Code, Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). The utility may not require customer-generators whose systems meet these standards to meet further requirements, install additional controls or purchase supplemental liability insurance.

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