Vineland Municipal Electric Utility

Vineland Municipal Electric Utility

Vineland Municipal Electric Utility is the only municipally-owned electric generating utility in the State of New Jersey. VMEU has been providing electric service to the residents of the City of Vineland since 1899.

The Electric Utility’s generating capacity is 132,900 kW Summer/143,400 kW Winter. Additionally, the Electric Utility maintains an interconnection with Atlantic City Electric, and membership in the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) Interconnection which includes the major investor owned electric utilities throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest Regions. VMEU also receives a monthly allocation of 4,300 kW of PASNY Hydro Power. Thus, the Electric Utility is able to meet the demands of its users even in times of emergency.

Vineland’s Water Utility consists of 13 Wells, 7 Elevated Storage Tanks, and 250 Miles of Water Main Ranging in Size from 4” to 12”. The Water Utility is one of the 25 largest Water providers in the State of New Jersey.



Vineland Municipal Electric Utility
640 E Wood St.
Vineland,, NJ 08360
United States

Main Phone
Customer Service
States Serviced