
SunPower Corp
Corporate Headquarters 77 Rio Robles
San Jose, CA 95134
United States
37.4046014, -121.9466847
SunPower has been developing world record-breaking solar technology since the 1970s. Our history has been marked by creativity, craftsmanship - and coincidence. Today, we are the global leader in developing high-efficiency solar solutions for homes, businesses, commercial buildings and utilities. But our road to success has had some unlikely twists and turns.
For more than a quarter of a century, SunPower has been leading the solar revolution. We design, manufacture and deliver new solar technologies. Raise standards. Break records. And, we're also changing the way the world is powered. That's why the people who know solar, choose SunPower - the World's Standard for Solar™.
Highest Efficiency
Not all solar panels are created equally. In fact, there’s a huge range in efficiency. So if you’re looking for efficient solar, look at the facts. SunPower’s products hold the world record for energy production. And SunPowerTM solar panels are the world’s most efficient: up to 50 per cent more energy than conventional panels. How do we do it? With our revolutionary patented MaxeonTM technology.
Highest Reliability
If you’re looking for reliable solar, look at the facts. SunPower solar energy systems are the most reliable in the world. Why? Because we’ve taken millions of hours of performance analysis and reengineered it back into the design of our panels. Our proprietary SunPowerTM MaxeonTM back-contact solar cell design means that our panels hold up under harsh conditions—much better than most of our competitors.
Guaranteed Performance
From end to end, SunPower guarantees you the highest level of solar energy performance. Installation is fast to minimise disruption. Our modular design sets up at a rate of 10 modules per man hour, compared to 5-6 with other systems. SunPowerTM systems perform. Over 10 million hours of real-world operating results show that SunPowerTM panels regularly deliver more than their expected energy production.