Nascar uses solar power for PA track

One of the latest places to switch its entire electricity production to solar power is also one of the most unlikely: a NASCAR racetrack in Pennsylvania. Pocono Raceway, located in the city of Blakeslee, will make the change from conventional electrical power to its new three megawatt photovoltaic panel system this week. The facility converted 25 acres of parking space into a green energy “farm” with 39,962 modular solar panel structures, in order to cut down on electricity costs while reducing the environmental impact of its popular races.

Not only has this $16 million dollar project been one of the largest efforts to capture the sun’s energy in the state of Pennsylvania, but its completion means that Pocono Raceway is now the largest sports complex in the world to derive all of its energy from solar power. It marks part of a concerted effort by NASCAR to become more environmentally friendly, and other steps the racing organization has taken include planting trees near racetracks to absorb some of the estimated metric ton of carbon dioxide given off during each race, implementing recycling programs for concessions packages, tires, oil, and batteries, as well as spreading awareness of clean energy issues among its 70 million fans.

The photovoltaic panels will produce enough energy to completely power the racetrack’s facilities, from its garages and offices to the concession stands and spectator suites. Additionally, Pocono Raceway’s power supply is connected to the main electrical grid, so that any unused power will go to the nearby community. During winter, when races are not held, the entirety of this electrical output will be used by Blakeslee.

The president of Pocono Raceway, Brandon Igdalsky, noted that the economic benefits of solar energy go beyond saving several hundred dollars a year in utility bills. Since organizations other than NASCAR use the racetrack facilities, and because excess electricity will be purchased by the local power company to meet the community’s energy needs, the photovoltaic system will actually generate seven figures of income each year for Pocono Raceway.