Program City of Austin - Green Building Policy for Municipal Buildings
Category Regulatory Policy
Implementing sector Local
Last Update
State Texas
Technologies Solar - Passive, Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Solar Photovoltaics, Daylighting

LEED Silver Building Requirement

The City Council of Austin passed a resolution (Resolution No. 20210902-042) in June 2020 requiring that all future building projects be built in accordance with the standard of the U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver. The overall goal is to ensure that the City of Austin's facility portfolio is leading the way in conserving energy, water and other natural resources, promoting human health, safety and wellness, and ensuring a high-quality built environment.

The policy applies to all City capital improvement projects and third-party financed projects such as P3s, major and minor renovations and interior finish-outs, as well as leased spaces. Requirements for each of these categories is included below:

New Construction for Capital Improvement Projects

Facilities where the City of Austin is primarily responsible for project ownership or operation, and has a construction cost of $2,000,000 or more.

  • Must be LEED Silver Certified.
  • have an Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) Three-Star Rating.
  • If the project is owned or operated by the Austin Parks and Recreation Department must achieve Sustainable SITES Certified.
  • If the project scope does not qualify for an overall LEED certification, AEGB rating, or SITES certification, the project should meet the LEED, AEGB, or SITES standards for every category that is applicable.
  • All facilities must perform feasibility analyses for; rooftop solar installation, avoidance of natural gas, use of auxiliary or non-potable water sources, and the provision of EV charging Stations.

Major Renovations and Interior Finish-outs for Capital Improvement Projects

Facilities where the City of Austin is primarily responsible for project ownership or operation, and has a construction cost of $750,000 or more.

  • Must be LEED Silver Certified.
  • Have an Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) Three-Star Rating.
  • If the project is owned or operated by the Austin Parks and Recreation Department must achieve Sustainable SITES Certified.
  • If the project scope does not qualify for an overall LEED certification, AEGB rating, or SITES certification, the project should meet the LEED, AEGB, or SITES standards for every category that is applicable.
  • All facilities must perform feasibility analyses for; rooftop solar installation, avoidance of natural gas, use of auxiliary or non-potable water sources, and the provision of EV charging Stations.

Minor Renovations and Interior Finish-outs for Capital Improvement Projects

Facilities where the City of Austin is primarily responsible for project ownership or operation, and has a construction cost of $750,000 or less. 

  • Must meet LEED or AEGB standards for every category that is applicable to the project.

 Third-Party Financed and/or Delivered Projects

Facilities that are being build on City-owned land, or at least 50% of the project funding (exclusive of land costs and right-of-way infrastructure investments, is provided by the City of Austin), or the City will assume  responsibility and/or pay for operations, maintenance, or utilities within 10 years must meet the following.

  • Must meet the minimum performance requirements for the corresponding project types above.
  • Participate in Better Builder Program® if the construction cost is $1,000,000 or more by providing prevailing wages as defined in Ordinance 20160324-015, complete OSHA 10-hour training, maintain workers compensation insurance coverage, hiring goals from local training programs that meet the requirements of Resolution 20180628-061, comply with all applicable state, federal and local loaws, and maintain independent on-site monitoring by an entity that is neither a construction company nor affiliated with a construction company or by an individual that is neither employed by a construction company nor affiliated with a construction company..

Leased Spaces

Facilities where at least 50% of the construction cost, exclusive of land costs, is provided by the City of Austin or the City of Austin plans to pay for operations, maintenance, or utilities.

  • Must be LEED Silver Certified.
  • Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) Three-Star Rating
  • If the project scope does not qualify for an overall LEED certification or AEGB rating, the project should meet the LEED or AEGB standards for every category that is applicable.
  • Food service providers operating under these conditions must comply with the Universal Recycling Ordinance (URO) and are encouraged to adopt Good Food Purchasing standards. Consult the Public Works Department’s Project Management Manual for guidance.

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