Program AEP Texas Central Company - SMART Source Solar PV Rebate Program
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Utility
Last Update
State Texas
Administrator Frontier Associates and Clean Energy Associates
Budget 2023: $383,126 (Residential), $173,298 (Non-Residential)
Start Date
Technologies Solar Photovoltaics
Sectors Residential

American Electric Power Texas Central Company (AEP-TCC) offers rebates to any customer that installs photovoltaic (PV) systems on homes or other buildings. Rebates may be assigned to the customer, a service provider, or a third party. 


Residential customers can receive a fixed incentive, while commercial customers can receive a tiered, capacity-based incentive. Incentive levels are as follows:

Residential Commercial
System Size  Incentive Amount     System Size Incentive Amount
0.001-2.999 kW-DC  $0.50/W-DC     First 0-25 kW-DC
3-4.999 kW-DC  $1,500
5-7.4999 kW-DC  $2,250
     Additional kW up to 200 kW-DC

7.5-30 kW-DC  $3,000

PV System Eligibility

Unless used for educational purposes by a school, systems must be at least 1 kW- DC in size to qualify for the rebate. Systems may not be sized to produce energy in excess of that required to meet annual on-site energy consumption. Each customer and point of service is eligible to participate in the program multiple times, subject to other program limitations (e.g., maximum per customer and per project incentive limits).

Systems must be new, connected to the grid on the customer side of the meter, meet minimum estimated performance requirements (80% of optimum), and meet all applicable code and utility interconnection requirements. Eligible systems must be covered by an all-inclusive warranty for at least five years from the date of installation.

Please refer to the Program Guidebook for additional details.

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