Program Successor Solar Incentive (SuSI) Program - Administratively Determined Incentive
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector State
Last Update
State New Jersey
Administrator Board of Public Utilities
Start Date
Technologies Solar Photovoltaics
Sectors Residential

By Board Order on July 28, 2021, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) established the SuSI Program to implement the Clean Energy Act of 2018 (L. 2018, c.17) and the Solar Act of 2021 (L. 2021, c. 169). The SuSI Program replaces the SREC Registration Program (SRP), which was closed to new registration on April 30, 2020 pursuant to the Clean Energy Act, and the Transition Incentive (TI) Program, which provided a bridge between the Legacy SRP and the SuSI Program. A Board Order from March 6, 2023 revised the ADI SREC-II values, effective March 13, 2023.

The SuSI Program is made up of two sub-programs:

Administratively Determined Incentive Program

The ADI Program provides incentives for net metered residential projects, net metered non-residential projects of 5 MW or less, all community solar projects, and, for an interim period, projects previously eligible to seek conditional certification from the Board under Subsection (t). The interim market segment is blocked for 75 MW, while net-metered residential, net-metered non-residential, and community solar (The permanent CS program rules from October 2023 require all CS systems to meet 51% LMI participation and removed the non-LMI incentive) is blocked for 225 MW in energy years 2024 and 2025. The program will accept new registrations for each market segment on a first-come, first-served basis until the block is fully subscribed. Current available capacity is posted on the homepage of the ADI online portal. 

 Market Segment System Size (MW-DC) Incentive Values ($/SREC-II) Public Entities ($20 Adder)

Net-Metered Residential

All Sizes $85 N/A
Net-Metered Non-Residential located on rooftop, carport, canopy, and floating solar

Smaller than 1 MW

1 MW - 5 MW





Net-Metered Non-Residential ground mount

Smaller than 1 MW

1 MW - 5 MW





Community Solar LMI Up to 5 MW $90 N/A
Community Solar Non-LMI (Removed)
Up to 5 MW LMI Only
Interim Subsection (t) Grid All Sizes $100 N/A

An additional $20 adder is available for a public entity, a customer that is a State entity, school district, county, county agency, county authority, municipality, municipal agency, municipal authority, New Jersey public college, or New Jersey public university. The Interim Subsection is available on an interim basis for solar facilities certified as being located on brownfield, historic fill, or properly closed landfills.

Registration opened on August 28, 2021.

Competitive Solar Incentive Program

This program provides competitively set incentives, as bid by developers, for non-residential projects with nameplate capacity over 5 MW. See the Competitive Solar Incentive Program description in DSIRE for more information.

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