Program (Electric and Gas) Residential Rebate Program
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Utility
Last Update
State Connecticut
Sectors Residential

The Energize Connecticut (CT) program is a joint initiative between the CT Energy Efficiency Fund, CT Green Bank, the State of CT and local/state electric and gas utilities designed to provide businesses and residents of CT access to resources needed to save energy. Within this program are rebates offered for Eversource, United Illuminating (UI), CT Natural Gas (CNG), and Southern CT Gas Company (SCG) customers.

Electric customers of Eversource and UI are eligible for electric equipment rebates funded by the Combined Public Benefits Charge, while customers of CNG, SCG, and Eversource receive rebates funded through a conservation charge included in rates. Rebates are available through the Energize CT program for energy efficient HVAC equipment, programmable thermostats, natural gas (NG) boilers and furnaces, water heaters, home efficiency improvements, lighting and appliances. Eligibility for certain rebates may vary dependent upon which utility a customer uses and can be offered as either an instant rebate or mail-in. Instant rebates vary by utility and can only be received if a qualified contractor purchases eligible equipment. Mail-in rebates must have a Home Energy Assessment prior to installation of equipment.

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