Program City of Los Angeles - Zoning Code
Category Regulatory Policy
Implementing sector Local
Last Update
State California
Technologies Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Solar Photovoltaics
Sectors Residential

Chapter I of Los Angeles' Municipal Code, Height of Building or Structures, provides an exemption for solar energy devices, or similar structures. They may be erected above the height limit specified in the district in which the property is located. In all zones, solar devices may exceed the roof surface by 3 feet even if the roof surface is at or above the allowable building height limit. In all zones except R1 and more restrictive zones, solar devices built on a flat roof may exceed the roof surface by up to 15 feet. In the R1 and more restrictive zones, a solar device may exceed the roof surface by up to 15 feet on a flat roof only if the structure is also used for the purpose of shading a habitable rooftop deck or rooftop parking.

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