Program City of Scottsdale - Green Building Incentives
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Local
Last Update
State Arizona
Administrator City of Scottsdale
Technologies Solar - Passive, Solar Photovoltaics, Daylighting
Sectors Residential

Scottsdale’s Green Building Program, established in 1998, was the first such program in Arizona with an emphasis on residential home construction. It was developed to encourage environmentally responsible building in the Sonoran Desert region by incorporating healthy, resource- and energy-efficient materials and methods in the design and construction of homes. The program’s goals are to reduce the environmental impact of building; achieve both short and long-term savings of energy, water and other natural resources; and encourage a healthier indoor environment.

Incentives include technical assistance, green building permits and inspections, monthly educational lectures, a homeowner’s manual, recognition on the city website, and free promotional green building materials, including a job site sign. Green building projects are reviewed and inspected as part of the city development regulatory process. As such, a green building permit is issued for construction, a green inspection card is used by the city building inspectors during construction, and a green "certificate of occupancy" is issued upon completion of the project.

Projects must complete a Green Home Rating Checklist to qualify for the incentives. There are two designation tiers available - a basic and advanced designation. See checklist for specific criteria.

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