EV-car manufacturer Coda applies battery to the grid

EV-car manufacturer Coda applies battery to the grid

EV-car manufacturer Coda applies battery to the gridCoda, a start-up electric car manufacturer, is venturing into the energy storage business with its cutting-edge batteries.

The company is rolling out its first all-electric sedans next month and has started looking into other green energy ventures for its next business move.

“Our company goals and objectives are how do we look at solar and a green grid and relying more on renewable sources to reduce carbon emissions,” said Coda senior vice president Ed Solar.

The company has engineered a special high-capacity lithium iron phosphate battery for its electric vehicle. It’s composed of several cells and modules and holds 31 to 38 kilowatt hours of power.

“The question is, how do we save that highly engineered battery and cross over into another growth market,” Solar said.

The obvious answer is to market the used batteries to those interested in energy storage. Solar said there are three markets where he will concentrate on marketing the batteries—to utility companies who might want to store standard coal and natural gas-generated power to save the energy up when its not being used, so it can be deployed during peak times.

Another market would be for those seeking energy security and independence like military bases and data centers. And the final market is the renewable energy generation sector.

The batteries would be well equipped to store solar energy produced during the day for evening consumption and wind power generated at night for use during the day.

“There is an abundance of new solar and wind being deployed right now,” said Solar. “The key is how do we harness that when it’s not being used right away.”

He said Coda’s batteries could be the answer.

“How we charge and discharge the battery in the vehicle is very similar to how you will do it in an energy storage environment,” Solar said.

The next steps for Coda are to partner with interested companies to field test the batteries for energy storage. Solar said there are several companies that are very interested in partnering with the company on this.