Program Oncor Electric Delivery - Commercial Standard Offer Rebate Program
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Utility
Last Update
State Texas
Administrator Oncor Electric Delivery
Technologies Solar Photovoltaics

Oncor provides incentives to service providers and self-sponsors who install eligible energy efficiency measures at facilities serviced by Oncor through their Commercial Standard Offer Program (CSOP). Independent companies/contractors are eligible to participate. The program is divided into deemed projects and measurement & verification projects. Deemed projects offer incentives to service providers who complete projects with deemed kilowatt and kilowatt-hour savings. Measurement & verification (M&V) projects offer incentives to service providers and self-sponsors who complete measures requiring measurement and verification. Oncor will pay service providers a fixed price per kilowatt and kilowatt-hour saved based on the estimate of useful life of the approved measure(s). There is a minimum savings of $500 for Deemed Savings projects and $10,000 for Measurement & Verification projects.

To receive an incentive, projects must improve system efficiency above current state and/or federal energy efficiency guidelines. Project incentives are capped at 50% of total project costs and 20% of the total CSOP incentive budget. Further details surrounding the CSOP Program can be found on the following PDF. Visit the Oncor program web site for additional details.

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