Program Entergy Texas - Residential and Small Commercial Standard Offer Program
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Utility
Last Update
State Texas
Administrator Entergy Texas, Inc.
Budget Residential SOP Program: $1,695,753; Hard To Reach SOP Program $1,024,200;
Sectors Residential

The Hard to Reach and Residential Standard Offer Programs provides incentives for the retrofit or new construction installation of a wide range of energy efficiency measures. The program does not prescribe technologies or end uses, but provides a framework through which energy efficiency service providers can receive incentives to achieve cost-effective reduction in peak summer demand. If the customer uses the performance based calculations to determine an incentive, the implementation payment may be added to the kW saved payment. Entergy will not make a total incentive payment (i.e., the sum of the Implementation Payment and the Performance Payment) that is more than 100% of the total estimated incentive payment specified in the Standard Offer Program Agreement. If the measured savings are less than the estimated savings, the total incentive payment will be less than the payment estimated in the agreement.

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