Solar Water Heat

2021 Sustainable Building Tax Credit (Personal)

H.B. 15, enacted in April 2021, established a new version of the personal tax credit and corporate tax credit for sustainable buildings in New Mexico. The tax credits apply to both commercial and residential buildings.

Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings which have been registered and certified by the U.S. Green Building Council at LEED Gold or higher for new construction (NC), existing buildings (EB), core and shell (CS), or commercial interiors (CI), and are broadband- and electric vehicle-ready are eligible for a tax credit. The amount of the credit varies according to the square footage of the building, the level of

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2021 Sustainable Building Tax Credit (Corporate)

H.B. 15, enacted in April 2021, established a new version of the personal tax credit and corporate tax credit for sustainable buildings in New Mexico. The tax credits apply to both commercial and residential buildings.

Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings which have been registered and certified by the U.S. Green Building Council at LEED Gold or higher for new construction (NC), existing buildings (EB), core and shell (CS), or commercial interiors (CI), and are broadband- and electric vehicle-ready are eligible for a tax credit. The amount of the credit varies according to the square footage of the building, the level of

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Southwest Gas Corporation - Commercial Energy Efficient Equipment Rebate Program

Southwest Gas Corporation (SWG) offers rebates to commercial customers in Nevada who purchase energy-efficient natural gas equipment. All equipment must meet program requirements stated on the rebate application and on the program website. Rebate forms may be found on the program website listed above. Equipment must be installed and functioning to receive a rebate. Please visit the website listed above for other details or contact SWG.

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Ashland Electric Utility - New Construction Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

The City of Ashland offers incentives to all news homes for energy and water efficiency projects. Program participants can select from any of the individually offered incentives for a partial rebate, or select all of the measures to obtain the maximum rebate of $2,500 and for the home to be recognized as an “Ashland Smartbuild” home. Rebates are offered for a variety of home efficiency projects and equipment, including:

  • ENERGY STAR Appliances
  • Heat Pumps/Heat Pump Water Heaters
  • Water Sense Home Certification
  • Earth Advantage Platinum Home
  • EV Charging Unit
  • Solar Water Heating/Solar PV
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Texas Gas Service - Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Texas Gas Service (TGS) offers a range of financial incentives to commercial customers who purchase and install energy efficient commercial equipment. Eligible categories for rebate includes food service equipment, water heaters, dryers and transportation. Direct install measures are also available through the TGS Commercial Direct Install Program. Purchased equipment must meet all TGS requirements for efficiency and installation. To be eligible for this incentive, customers must be on an applicable rate code.  Certain rebates are available only to customers in specified service areas. Contact TGS for more information on this offering.

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State of NY Commercial PACE Financing Program

Note: In 2010, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which has authority over mortgage underwriters Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, directed these enterprises against purchasing mortgages of homes with a PACE lien due to its senior status above a mortgage. Most residential PACE activities subsided following this directive; however, some residential PACE programs are now operating with loan loss reserve funds, appropriate disclosures, or other protections meant to address FHFA's concerns. Commercial PACE programs were not directly affected by FHFA’s actions, as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not underwrite commercial mortgages. Visit PACENation for more information about PACE financing
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Sustainable Energy Utility

The Delaware Sustainable Energy UtilityThe Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility (DESEU) was created in June, 2007 to serve as the "one-stop-shop" for sustainable energy services in Delaware. Through Energize Delaware, the state enables all energy end-users, regardless of market segment, fuel use, or utility service, to have access to incentives for renewable and efficient energy technologies. DESEU manages programs targeting energy efficiency, low income energy use, customer-sited renewable energy, alternative fuel vehicles and clean transportation, and green building. The DESEU also manages the Green Energy Fund in cooperation with the Delaware Energy Office. In 2019, Delaware had a net
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Public Benefits Fund

Public Benefits Fund HistoryWisconsin's public benefits fund (PBF), created in 1999, supports energy-efficiency programs, renewable-energy programs, and energy assistance for low-income households. Efforts in the mid-1990s to restructure and deregulate the electric utilities led numerous states to implement public benefits charges as a new source of funding for efficiency. These public benefits approaches established new structures under which utilities—or, in some states, separate efficiency utilities or other third parties—were tasked with administering and delivering energy efficiency, renewable energy, and low-income programs. Nationwide reported savings from utility and public benefits electricity programs in 2019 totaled 0.70% of sales, or 26.9
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System Benefits Charge

The New Mexico system benefits charge was replaced with the passing of the Efficient Use of Energy Act
As part of New Mexico's Electric Utility Industry Restructuring Act of 1999 the legislature created the Electric Industry System Benefits Fund for renewable energy, customer education, and low-income assistance. The fund is created through a charge of 0.03¢/kWh beginning January 1, 2002 and doubling in 2007. The charge is collected from all electric utilities, both private and public. The funds will support renewable energy up to $4 million to be used by school districts, cities, towns, villages, or counties. Renewable technologies
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Energy Loan Fund (ELF)

The Energy Loan Fund provides low-cost financing to Ohio-based small businesses, manufacturers, nonprofits,  and public entities for energy efficiency improvements. Through the Energy Loan Fund eligible applicants receive low-interest financing to install efficiency measures that reduce energy by at least 15 percent. For further information regarding eligibility, please view the Program Guidelines and Application ProcessThe Energy Loan Fund is managed by the Ohio Development Services Agency. Funding is provided through the Ohio Advanced Energy Fund and the Federal State Energy Program.

Project Funding

Funding available under these Guidelines is up to $9.5 million in state funds for Fiscal 

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