Program Puerto Rico - Excise Tax Exemption for Farmers
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector State
Last Update
State Puerto Rico
Administrator Departmento de Hacienda
Technologies Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Solar Thermal Process Heat, Solar Photovoltaics

In Puerto Rico, "bona fide farmers" are exempted from paying all types of excises for equipment, articles and objects whose operation depend solely on solar, wind, hydro or any other type of power, excluding the power produced by petroleum and its derivatives. A "bona fide farmer" is generally defined as a farmer certified by the government and who derives at least 50% of his or her gross income from the agricultural business as an operator, owner or lessee as declared in his or her income tax return.
It should be noted that that this exemption is part of a larger tax incentives package aimed at supporting Puerto Rican farmers.

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