Program City of Indianapolis - Green Building Incentive Program
Category Financial Incentive
Implementing sector Local
Last Update
State Indiana
Administrator Indianapolis Department of Code Enforcement and Office of Sustainability
Start Date
Technologies Solar Photovoltaics
Sectors Residential

The Indianapolis Office of Sustainability and the Department of Code Enforcement offer reduction in permit fees for projects achieving certain green building criteria. Property owners and developers constructing new buildings or completing major renovations on existing buildings are eligible to receive the incentive. Projects located within Indianapolis or Marion County are eligible.

There are six green building categories. Meeting the minimum criteria for three categories qualifies the project for a 30% rebate on permit fees.  For each additional category that the project meets, it will receive an additional 10% off permit fees. The maximum rebate amount is 50%. The six categories are:

  • Water Quality/Quantity
  • Transportation
  • Energy
  • Materials
  • Site
  • Innovation Design

Detailed requirements of each of the categories are available on the program web site. In order to qualify for the energy category, the building must meet ASHRAE 90.1-2007 guidelines and/or utilize on-site renewable energy. Residential buildings must use ENERGY STAR rated (or equivalent) HVAC systems, lighting systems, and appliances. In order to apply for the permit rebate, the applicant must fill out the Green Building Incentive Worksheet and submit it with all required construction documents for the initial permit review. The worksheet is available here and at the program website.

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