Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A.


Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A.
5201 Great American Parkway, suite 320
Santa Clara, CA 95054
United States

37.323129, -122.0214397

Business Type Solar Equipment Manufacturers
Types of Energy Solar Electric PV
Market Residential Properties

Ingeteam designs and manufactures grid-connected inverters for residential, commercial and utility photovoltaic systems, offering his customers solutions for the equipment of PV plants, adapted to suit their specific control and generating requirements.

The company is represented in 4 continents and has a subsidiary in the USA along with a factory located in Milwaukee and a commercial office in California. Since 2001, Ingeteam has supplied an accumulated power of more than 2.5 GW.

Ingecon Sun Power Max three-phase inverters ranging from 250 kW up to 917 kW.

Ingecon Sun Lite single-phase inverters from 3.6 up to 6 kW.

Ingecon Sun Power Station from 750 kW up to 1760 kW a fully integrated turnkey solution, customised up to 1760 kW.

Ingecon Sun Power 100 kW Indoor

Ingecon Sun Power 125 kW Outdoor

Ingecon Sun Smart 15 / 25 kW