Global Solar Energy, Inc.


8500 South Rita Road
Tucson, AR 85747
United States

32.0968486, -110.8081519

Business Type Solar Equipment Manufacturers
Types of Energy Solar Electric PV
Market Commercial Properties

Founded in 1996, Global Solar Energy Inc are based in Arizona, USA and produce light weight, flexible thin film solar cells and modules using high efficiency Copper Indium Gallium DiSelenide (CIGS) solar material on a flexible substrate. The company claim to be the first to achieve an average cell efficiency of 10% using this technology.
In late 2008, the company opened a second production facility in Berlin, Germany.

Founded in 1996, Global Solar Energy Inc are based in Arizona, USA and produce light weight, flexible thin film solar cells and modules using high efficiency Copper Indium Gallium DiSelenide (CIGS) solar material on a flexible substrate. The company claim to be the first to achieve an average cell efficiency of 10% using this technology.
In late 2008, the company opened a second production facility in Berlin, Germany.


We believe our collective future lies with renewable energy. In our lifetime, solar has become a cost effective and dependable source of energy. This trend is accelerating dramatically with innovative solar energy applications coming online with increasing frequency.

We see solar having the greatest impact at the personal level. Global Solar Energy’s mission is to bring solar to the people - where we live, work and play. Our vision is to see solar integrated into our homes, places of work, transportation and even our clothing. Some day, not far off, safe and clean solar energy production will surround us; out of sight and out of mind.