Midwest Solar Training Network


Midwest Solar Training Network
Managed by the Midwest Renewable Energy Association 7558 Deer Road
Custer, WI 54423
United States

44.6053634, -89.4553088

Business Type Solar Training and Schools
Types of Energy Solar Electric PV
Website http://www.midwestsolartraining.org/
Market Residential Properties

Midwest Solar Training Network (MSTN) is a group of technical and community colleges, non-profit organizations, universities, and industry partners who are working together to build solar training capacity in the Midwest. We are a U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) funded five-year effort working in a seven state region that includes: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin.

Our goal is to accelerate market adoption of solar technologies by ensuring that high-quality installations are standard and to create sustainable jobs within the solar installation industry. The Midwest Solar Training Network offers solar instructor training and other professional development opportunities. It is one of nine in the Solar Instructor Training Network.

The Midwest Solar Training Network is led by the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA). The MREA, with more than twenty years of experience in the solar training field, will work with partners throughout the region to share our models, materials, and expertise. For more information about the Midwest Renewable Energy Association, visit www.midwestrenew.org
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